10th FinTech Future Convention 2018 Will Commence in Shanghai This October


10th FinTech Future Convention 2018 (hereinafter as IFPI2018) will commence on October 15th-16th in Shanghai, China. With the theme of “Access Opportunities in the World’s Preeminent FinTech Market”, IFPI2018 is organized by CDMC Finance Research Institute (hereinafter as CFRI) and ChinaTimes, supported by Singapore FinTech Association, Indonesia FinTech Association, Thai FinTech Association, FinTech Alliance Philippines, etc. IFPI2018 will attract 100+ top speakers and 1500+ insiders to discuss the hottest topics affecting the FinTech sector, such as The Belt and Road FinTech strategic cooperation, the future of banking, InsurTech, consumer finance, blockchain, big data, cloud computing, AI, payment innovation, investment and financing, etc.

CDMC Finance Research Institute

Overseas Authorization/Guidance/Supporting Organizations:
Singapore FinTech Association
Indonesia FinTech Association
Thai FinTech Association
FinTech Alliance.Philippines

Why come to IFPI2018 ?

(1)  For comprehensive learning
IFPI is committed to building a platform for the docking and exchange of ideas, talents, technology, information and capital in the global FinTech field.IFPI2018 will invite 100+ top experts in global FinTech field to discuss the hottest topics affecting the FinTech sector, such as The Belt and Road FinTech Strategic Cooperation, The Future of Banking, InsurTech, Consumer Finance, Blockchain, Big Data, Cloud Computing, AI, Payment Innovation, Investment and Financing, etc.

(2) For distinguished guests from all over the world
IFPI has attracted outstanding speakers from all over the world to present their own original ideas. In addition to high-level executives of the top companies and institutions from China, IFPI2018 also attracts the most influential authorities in the FinTech field from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, the United States, and Europe and so on.

*Partial confirmed speakers:
Ben Shenglin, Professor & Chair, Department of Finance & Accounting; Dean, Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang University
Yang Qiang, Council at the HKUST, AAAI Fellow
Chia Hock Lai, Chairman, Singapore FinTech Association
Chen Xi, CRO, Xiaomi Finance
AKARADEJ(ANDY) DISYADEJ, Managing Director, Thai FinTech Association
Frank Desvignes, CEO, AXA Lab Asia
Mark Englehart Evans, SVP, Head of Innovation Management, DBS Bank
Andrii Grab, Risk Department X-sell Underwriting Director, Home Credit China
Ken Huang, Founder and Chairman, Nuclear Chain
Li Ming, Director, Blockchain Research Office, Electronic Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Pan Gaofeng, CTO, TK.cn
Qi Wenping, Deputy General Manager, Suning Consumer Finance
Nghiem Thanh Son, Deputy Director of Payment Department, Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee on FinTech, State Bank of Vietnam
Ajisatria Suleiman, Director, Indonesia FinTech Association
Tian Fengzhan, Chief Data Scientist, Sunshine Insurance Group
LitoVillanueva, Chairman of FinTech Alliance, Managing Director of FINTQnologies Corp
Vivian Wang, CEO, Hairongyi.com
Xu Ziyue, VP, Beike Finance
Yang Xuan, Founding Partner, Warp Speed Capital
Zhao Lei, Secretary General, Shanghai Insurance Institute
Gu Qingshan, Assistant President and CTO, Ping An Insurance
Xu Lei, Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Academician of Academia Europaea
Keith Ng, Executive Director, Head of Strategy & Innovation, Santander Asia
Zheng Shihui, DGM of Date Center, Bank of Communications
Rollin ZHANG, Staff Solution Architect, Alibaba-Cloud

(3) For more cooperation
IFPI brings together the FinTech eco-chain from China and the world. IFPI offers opportunities for participants to communicate face-to-face with FinTech companies from all over the world and help them establish new business cooperation. In the previous events, IFPI has established good cooperative relations with many outstanding enterprises in the FinTech area. 

*Partial previous excellent sponsors

(4) For enhancing brand influence
Some companies have difficulties exposing the brand in the market and scrambling for market share with competitors. IFPI has been committed to becoming a platform to promote participating companies to enhance their brand influence by speaking opportunities, booth promotion, awards ceremony, on-site advertising, etc.IFPI2018 has cooperated with 100+ core medias in industry which will conduct In-depth report of conference. The conference sets FinTech Future Awards Ceremony, which aims to recognize and honor the excellent efforts and accomplishments of organizations and individuals in the industry.


(5) For social networking
IFPI2018 will bring together 1,500+executives in FinTech industry. On the spot, there will be various forms of participation, such as, The Inaugural Ceremony of "FinTech Global Cooperation Strategic Alliance"& 2nd Strategic Resources Matchmaking Conference, Bank Executives closed-door Meeting, Cocktail Party, VIP Appreciation Dinner and FinTech List Release Ceremony. At the same time, IFPI2018 also will use online social networking system of Neighbor mind, which helps participants seek optimal partners.

Event Website: http://www.theifpi.com/indexen.html
Email: ifpi@cdmc.org.cn
Contact: Ace Shen
Tel:  86+ 021 68407631. ext.8204
          86+ 173-1739-2107