O Pikcio foi projetado para armazenar, proteger, verificar e certificar dados, garantindo que a fonte de dados mantenha o controle total de suas informações todos os tempos. O Pikcio permite ao usuário escolher como compartilhar seus dados, com quem compartilhá-los e, ao mesmo tempo, oferecer a eles a oportunidade de serem pagos Para o seu uso.
Ao capacitar o indivíduo, o Pikcio cria certeza para as empresas. À medida que os holofotes regulatórios se concentram na indústria de dados, as empresas precisam encontrar maneiras eficientes de cumprir com novas regras, como o GDPR da União Européia. directiva, e eles precisam saber que os dados que eles estão comprando são autênticos e legalmente disponíveis.
O Pikcio cria a confiança necessária para negociar dados confidenciais
O Pikcio é o formato de dados & amp; sistema agnóstico assim dados certificados podem ser conectados diretamente em sistemas KYC existentes
O Pikcio é compatível com o GDPR & amp; porque os usuários mantêm o controle de seus dados, sua permissão é sempre conhecida
A PikcioCoin valoriza os dados pessoais e incentiva os usuários a manter registros atualizados
O Pikcio ajuda os provedores de serviços a oferecer uma integração mais rápida e mais segura, o que significa que seus clientes desfrutam de uma melhor experiência do usuário
2017 Q4
2018 Q1
2018 Q2
2018 Q3
Verificado 0%
Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
Verificado 0%
Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
To conclude, PikcioChain is good for users and companies who want a better way to utilize data. This ICO has good growth potential but will need to have an innovative option that differentiates themselves from their competitors. It’s still an ICO worth looking into as it might lead to some great results in the future.
Seamless Management: SGPay allows users to manage both fiat and cryptocurrency in one simple platform.
Faster Processing Times: Transactions done on SGPay’s platform is instant and require a little fee to complete.
QR Code Payments: This feature makes it easier for everyone to use SGPay and send payments the easy way.
Direct Competition: While SGPay is an innovative platform, there is already high competition in the E-payments field.
Strengths: company started in 2014. PikcioChain is a mass adoption system (financial and medical services, token sales etc). Signed partnerships with PWC, E&Y, Capgemini and others. Current clients are BNP Paribas and P2link.
Weaknesses: no financial projections, marketing strategy for social media should be stronger (more networks should be covered), audience segmentation needed.
If you are interested in using PikcioChain’s services, you should definitely invest in this ICO. Otherwise, it might not be a good investment of your money.
You have to take into account that when you buy PKC tokens, you are not trading your money for a share or a new altcoin, but for special services inside this specific service. Because of this, this investment only makes sense for investors that intend to be users of PikcioChain.
Main positives:
PikcioChain was self funded in 2014 by the current CEO and his close friends, showing that he truly believes in the product and its capabilities. The team have spent the last three years developing the PikcioChain product. Pikcio is a proven technology and the company has received 6 awards over the last 2 years, which shows a strong track record.
PikcioChain has a lot more features and advantages to offer than its competitors do. A screenshot of the comparison between PikcioChain and their competitors can be found in the following link: https://ibb.co/eeSY7n
Pikcio already has clients on board, with the largest being BNP Paribas Group. (Pikcio.me). They also have strategic partnerships with Ernst & Young, PWC, and Copgemini. These large multinationals will help PikcioChain stay compliant, and can assist the company with international expansion.
Main negatives:
Based on PikcioChain’s website, there seems to be only one developer on the core team. The core team also seems to lack Blockchain-related experience. However, PikcioChain does have several accelerators and incubators that they are working with, so there is a chance these companies can help them with the areas in which the team lacks experience.
At the moment, PikcioChain’s marketing strategy is poor, however the core team stated that this will improve in the near future. (Information found on PikcioChain’s official Telegram channel)
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