PiggyToken is an online gaming platform, crypto-trading and forums for enthusiasts in the field. It is a place whre parents can make crypto-trading and teenagers can play, winning together a lot of money.
PiggyToken it is a simultaneous recreation and business space. Into this space, parents and children meets for having fun, but also for earning money. The games in the platform are dynamic, focused on developing and training of intelligence, distributive attention, memory, logic, flexibility of thinking, essential skills for having success in business and mental youth.
The performances of the best players are rewarded in PIK-token coins that are stored in the personal wallet. From there you can withdraw your earnings at any time and capitalize on exchanges, where you can exchange PIK versus BTC or ETH or USDT.
Made by passionate gaming developers and cryptographers.
By softeingeneers
By olympic mathematicians passionate about logic games
By traders with 10 years experience in crypto and stock
Why is it so attractive PiggyToken ?
For gamers: :
Motto of piggy token community members:
Because here you will find the most interesting strategy, logic and action games that bring you consistent prizes. The platform will deliver a new game every week, attractive single- but also multi-players.
Very important: the winners of the games will be awarded in money respectively PIK - meaning PiggyToken.
The prize rules will be detailed for each specific game. Individual scoring will be stored in the database and the accumulation of points will allow high-performing gamers to receive substantial prizes.
The value of the prizes obtained in PIK it could be then sold on crypto exchanges and transformed into BTC, ETH or USD-dollars
Gamers will communicate with each other on the site's chat, will exchange opinions and especially will be those who will vote for the best games, so gamers are the ones who will model and develop the PiggyToken platform.
The children will play and the best ones will win prizes in PIK crypto-tokens that they will deposit in their personal wallet from www.piggytoken.com, receiving in addition every month earnings between 5-10% / month, and they will be able to use their savings to finance their studies or businesses when they reach maturity.
2.) For crypto-traders :
You will find here the best performing trading signals. They will allow you to bet on the main currencies of the stock exchange: BTC, ETH, TRX, DOT… etc.
You will always find fresh news in the area of cryptocurrencies.
Beginners will find here, at request, technical advice on the acquisition of crypto coins and their trading.
Traders and gamers can also (store) stacking PIK tokens for various periods of time in the wallet and you will be rewarded every month with a gain of 5-10% .....
Verificado 0%
Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
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Se você tiver alguma preocupação sobre a natureza, propriedade ou legalidade desta venda de token ou as pessoas envolvidas, entre em contato com info@icoholder.com com informações detalhadas sobre suas preocupações. p> div>