Tomoaki Sato

About Tomoaki Sato
In 2012, I failed to enter Tokyo University in Japan and entered Waseda university. I thought I need to re-consider my life again. I went to various physics labs in the university for thinking about my future, but I more like publishing dynamic results to the world. So I went to Silicon Valley supported by Waseda university and presented startup pitch for "islamap", application for muslims in muslim-minority countries. And I decided to live as an entrepreneur. In 2013, I started islamap as start up, after started the project, I was often asked by investors, "why don't you make it more wide range of target ? you need scalability." but I decline to broaden the target, because I think this problem can be connected to world peace. However, as investor says, the business became stuck. At the time, I heard Bitcoin, but I didn't research much yet. In 2014, I remembered Bitcoin as it can be considered as a "thing", because I met a friend who has trouble in using islamic finance in Japan. However I was rapidly attracted to the Bitcoin/Blockchain technology itself, and the philosophy behind the tech, "Decentralization". But, sadly some people misunderstanding about a company's failure(Mt.Gox) as the protocol failure, and media reports wrongly. Also not much people knows about blockchain technology, so I started "Smart Contract Japan" meetup in Japan, and hosted at Ponq, Finolab, Bitbank, Sony, and Microsoft office, and did blockchain consulting works with some SIers and startups. In late 2016, I quit the consulting company for my new challenge. I want to support more directly individuals to be empowered by the decentralization technologies, because I believe "Utility Token", "Internet of Value" is not one-time bubble, but the social infrastructure which can connect individuals directly to make innovative things happen. So now I'm creating "Starbase", a token crowdfunding/recruting platform and we did ICO by ourselves to prove that.
  • Kaisei High& Middle High School
  • Waseda University
    • Applied Physics
  • islamap.Inc
    • CEO & Founder
  • StarbaseCo
    • Founder
    • Blockchain Engineer
  • Smart Contract Japan
    • Founder
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