Stephen Rowlison

About Stephen Rowlison
Veteran IT professional (37 Years), company director, project manager, process improvement engineer, business analyst, systems architect, inventor, philanthropist and author. Held corporate positions in Banking and Finance. Financially literate and technically astute, Stephen is at the forefront of new and emerging economies featuring distributed technologies, Internet of Things and Artificial intelligence. Can talk about: Value of Blockchain discussion vs centralisation - trade offs, Market segmentations and solution, alignments, Economic models, Education platforms, MLM, gaming, trading and law, Wallet permissioning, bank risks and issues, Custodial services, Supply chain use cases, Payment coin types differentiations and diversification on performance and scalability of ledgers and their attributes, Economic commentary - Market evolutions, POW/POS, Ethereum and ICO's, Smart contracts - Apps as an equity. Will provide paid advisory to ethical boards. Seeking Advisory Panel Members from all disciplines.
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