

Created using Figma
Track ownership of your goods on supply chains
Ownest use the NFTs technology to create unique tokens that enables certified transfer of ownership between the various actors of your supply chains.
To be announced
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Sobre Ownest

"Ownest" comes from "own", to possess, attached to the particle "est", meaning "the most". This neologism represents the idea that what you have is fully yours. This makes sense with Ownest, since whatever its position, the token associated with this property always connects you to it.

The signature of the data by the users and its deposit on the blockchain also makes the information honest, since it is impossible for us to falsify transaction data.

Ownest Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

23 ICOs

$8 750 000

Thibault Glaunez
Project manager
não verificado

23 ICOs

$8 750 000

Raphael Martin Guihe...
Project manager
não verificado
Clement Bergé-Lefran...
Co-Founder - CEO
não verificado
Quentin De Beauchesn...
Co-founder & Head of Blockchains
não verificado
Christophe Henot
não verificado

Ownest Últimas notícias

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