Onehold DAO

Onehold DAO

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Onehold is a marketing business and investment DAO. We utilize Web3 technology to incentivize investors, consumers, and companies to work together to create a self-marketing system. You can own a share of onehold and its revenue by investing in LP tokens backed by DAO assets.
Set a valuation on Onehold DAO
7 de dez. de 2022
1 de mai. de 2023
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Distribuição de Token
LP tokens represent your share of the DAOs assets. In the public offer, the community will set a valuation on Onehold by how many LP tokens are sold.
Moedas Aceitas
Contribuição mínima
Detalhes da Companhia
Nome da empresa registrada
Onehold DAO
País registrado
Empresa fundada
Dec 5, 2022
detalhes adicionais

Sobre Onehold DAO

Onehold will use the XDAO platform for its DAO. On XDAO, a group of people can easily create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, deposit crypto assets, manage them by voting, sell DAO shares and directly interact with DeFi protocols. Join the DAO by investing in Liquidity Provider tokens. LP tokens are backed by DAOs assets and represent your share of the generated revenue. When Onehold marketing sells a service, the income gets added to the DAOs assets. Assets are invested into DeFi protocols through the DAO to generate additional income through interest rates. LP holders can burn or swap their tokens to receive a proportional share of the assets held in the DAO. The value of each LP is calculated by dividing the DAOs assets by the total amount of LP tokens. Governance token holders can propose and vote on all transactions that the DAO wants to commit. Governance tokens are given to large investors and active community members.


Investment is backed by DAO assets
Vote on transactions
Interact with DeFi protocols through the DAO

Informações técnicas

XDAO platform

% name% Roadmap

  • Public offer

  • Will last from December 2022 until 1st of may 2023
  • Marketing platform

  • Fully operable marketing platform will be ready by March

Onehold DAO Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Mathias Christensen
não verificado

Onehold DAO Últimas notícias

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  • Esta informação não é uma sugestão ou conselho para investir no financiamento da OIC. Por favor, investigue completamente as informações relevantes e decida sobre a participação da OIC.
  • Se você acha que há problemas ou problemas a serem corrigidos neste conteúdo, ou se gostaria de enviar seu próprio projeto da OIC para ser listado, envie-nos um e-mail. um>
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