Solana's Battle Against MEV: Inside the Rise of the arsc Sandwich Bot

17 de junho de 2024 BACK TO NEWS

In the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrency, the Solana network has encountered a formidable adversary: the MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) sandwich bot known as "arsc." Over the past two months, arsc has silently amassed approximately $30 million by exploiting vulnerabilities in Solana's transaction processing mechanism, leaving unsuspecting users vulnerable to its sophisticated tactics.

Understanding MEV Sandwich Attacks

MEV sandwich attacks, a sophisticated form of manipulation, involve strategically positioning transactions around a victim's trade. This tactic allows the attacker to buy tokens from the victim at a lower price and immediately sell them at a higher price within the same block, capitalizing on price discrepancies and market inefficiencies.

arsc: The Silent Accumulator

Ben Coverston, founder of MRGN Research, recently exposed arsc's operations. Operating predominantly from a cold storage wallet with the address "9973h…zyWp6," arsc holds assets exceeding $19 million. This includes substantial holdings in Solana tokens and USD Coin, alongside smaller amounts of wSOL, CRINGE, and KAB tokens.

Another active wallet, identified as "Ai4zq…VXKKT," plays a pivotal role in converting SOL into USDC through JUP DCA strategies, and holds diverse positions in Kamino and LST tokens, totaling over $9.9 million.

The Tactics of arsc

Coverston highlighted a third significant wallet, "BCbrp…vi58q," believed to be arsc's main SOL bank. This wallet employs multiple signers and tippers to execute MEV sandwich attacks, maintaining a substantial portion of the $29.8 million controlled by arsc across these wallets.

Despite its lucrative activities, arsc's operator prefers anonymity and has taken steps to conceal their actions and profits, indicating a deliberate effort to avoid scrutiny.

The Broader Context of MEV in Crypto

MEV activities are not exclusive to Solana; similar bots have operated on Ethereum, exploiting transaction sequences to extract substantial profits. Reports suggest that MEV bots on Ethereum extracted over $1.38 billion by April 2023, underscoring the pervasive nature of these exploits across blockchain networks.

Earlier this year, an MEV arbitrage bot named 2Fast made headlines by transforming a modest investment into $1.9 million through strategic transactions on Solana, highlighting the profitability and risks associated with MEV strategies.

Solana's Response and Future Challenges

As Solana grapples with MEV challenges, the community and developers are exploring mitigation strategies to protect users and maintain the integrity of the network. Efforts include optimizing transaction sequencing and exploring decentralized solutions to minimize MEV vulnerabilities.

The rise of bots like arsc underscores the evolving nature of blockchain security and the ongoing battle to balance innovation with investor protection in the cryptocurrency space.


The emergence of arsc and similar MEV bots on Solana signals a pivotal moment for blockchain security. As stakeholders navigate these challenges, vigilance and proactive measures are crucial to safeguarding the interests of users and maintaining trust in decentralized finance.

While MEV presents lucrative opportunities, it also underscores the importance of robust security measures and regulatory oversight to ensure the long-term sustainability of blockchain ecosystems.