Japanese Crypto Industry Urges Tax Reform to Ease Burden on Traders

20 de junho de 2024 BACK TO NEWS

In a concerted effort to reform Japan’s stringent tax laws governing cryptocurrency transactions, major players in the Japanese crypto sector, including leading exchanges, are intensifying their push for regulatory changes.

High Tax Rates Spark Industry Concern

Currently, Japanese crypto traders are subjected to a tax regime that categorizes their earnings as "other income," which can incur tax rates as high as 55%. This stands in stark contrast to global norms, where capital gains taxes typically hover around 20%. The disparity has raised concerns among industry leaders, who argue that the existing tax structure stifles innovation and discourages investment in the burgeoning crypto market.

Japan Blockchain Association Takes the Lead

The Japan Blockchain Association (JBA), representing a consortium of the nation’s prominent crypto exchanges and blockchain firms, has been at the forefront of this advocacy. Recently reappointed as the JBA’s chair, Yuzo Kano, CEO of bitFlyer Holdings, emphasized the association's commitment to lobbying for comprehensive tax reforms within the next year.

Proposed Reforms and Objectives

Key proposals put forth by the JBA include transitioning from the current self-reporting taxation model to a simplified, flat-rate capital gains tax of 20% for individual cryptocurrency transactions. This would align Japan’s tax policy more closely with international standards and alleviate the compliance burden on individual traders.

Furthermore, the JBA advocates for exempting profits from crypto-to-crypto trades from income tax, a move aimed at fostering a more conducive trading environment. Additionally, the association seeks to allow traders to offset their losses against gains and urges the government to reconsider restrictive leverage ratios that hamper crypto trading activities.

Historical Progress and Future Prospects

Established in 2014, the JBA commemorates its 10th anniversary this September, underscoring a decade-long commitment to advancing blockchain technology and advocating for regulatory clarity in Japan. Kano highlighted the association's successful efforts in influencing tax reforms for corporate entities last year, which saw the removal of taxes on unrealized gains for businesses holding cryptocurrencies.

Industry and Government Collaboration

As Japan continues to navigate the evolving landscape of digital assets, collaboration between industry stakeholders and government bodies remains crucial. The ongoing dialogue seeks to strike a balance between regulatory oversight and fostering innovation, ensuring Japan maintains its position as a leader in the global crypto ecosystem.

Looking Ahead

With momentum building behind calls for tax reform, the Japanese crypto community remains optimistic about the prospects of achieving a more equitable and supportive regulatory framework. As discussions progress, stakeholders are hopeful that Tokyo will respond positively to these proposals, paving the way for a more vibrant and investor-friendly crypto market in Japan.