DAI Drives Ethereum Stablecoin Volume to Record Highs

6 de maio de 2024 BACK TO NEWS

In a significant development for the Ethereum ecosystem, the total volume of stablecoins traded on the platform reached unprecedented levels in April, driven primarily by the surge in activity surrounding DAI.

Rising Tide of Stablecoin Volume

After a period of relative stagnation, the monthly volume of stablecoins on Ethereum has seen a remarkable uptick over the past three months, culminating in a record-breaking performance in April. However, it's important to note that this surge includes flash loan activity, which has contributed to the overall increase in volume.

DAI Takes the Lead

Among Ethereum's stablecoins, DAI has emerged as the primary contributor to this surge in volume. Utilizing increasingly complex Miner Extractable Value (MEV) transactions, often involving flash loans, DAI has played a pivotal role in driving up on-chain activity.

In April alone, DAI accounted for a staggering $636 billion in volume, representing the majority of the total on-chain stablecoin volume, which amounted to nearly $1.2 trillion for the month. This surge in volume marks a significant increase compared to March, with DAI's volume more than tripling during this period.

Supply Growth

In tandem with its increased volume, the supply of DAI has also experienced significant growth. Since March 7th, DAI has added approximately one billion dollars' worth of tokens, bringing its total current supply to 5.44 billion. Despite the growth of other stablecoins, DAI has managed to slightly increase its share of the total stablecoin supply over this period.


The surge in stablecoin volume on Ethereum, driven predominantly by DAI, underscores the platform's growing significance within the broader crypto ecosystem. As Ethereum continues to evolve and accommodate increasingly complex transactions, stablecoins like DAI are playing a central role in facilitating liquidity and driving on-chain activity to new heights.