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LUKSO is the Blockchain for the New Creative Economies, dedicated to the lifestyle space. A decentralized ecosystem for brands, innovators and creatives to use and build blockchain applications and to bring innovation to the next level. From authentication of fashion items, purely virtual fashion items, to community tokenization and fundraising mechanisms for creatives, designers and artists. Build and supported by key figures from the Lifestyle and Blockchain space bringing a new digital future unseen today.
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LUKSO The Blockchain for new digital lifestyle is created by former Ethereum Developer Fabian Vogelsteller, author of ERC20 and web3.js - both of which are the foundation for today’s #DeFi protocols. Together with brand architect Marjorie Hernandez, he is building the platform for the next wave of mainstream Blockchain applications.

LUKSO is a Blockchain network dedicated to existing and coming digital lifestyle use cases. It will be running with a Casper consensus algorithm (PoS) combined with a Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) execution engine. 

LYX is the native cryptocurrency of the LUKSO Blockchain, and is required to secure this decentralized infrastructure. It is used to pay for transaction fees and need to be locked (staking) to participate in the block production.

"LYXe" is LYX on the Ethereum Blockchain, and is the token that the Reversible ICO returns.

Once the network starts there will be a migration of LYXe to LYX on the LUKSO Blockchain. Both LYXe and LYX represent the same asset but on different Blockchain networks.

LUKSO Equipe

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$14 790 679

Fabian Vogelsteller
Founder and Chief Architect
não verificado
Marjorie Hernandez D...
não verificado
Sarah-Jane Godman-Bo...
não verificado
Silke Bolms
não verificado
Matthew Bejtlich
Data Scientist/Blockchain Engineer
não verificado
Jonas Seiferth
Junior Analyst
não verificado
Chukwuemeke Udoka
Community Manager
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Deepak Gupta
Finance Manager
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Sebastian Gajek
não verificado
Rajeev Aikkara
não verificado

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