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The LINK ecosystem refers to the cryptocurrency environment that shares the general-purpose coin LINK. Our goal is to build a token economy that can be used by anyone, conveniently and naturally as part of daily life.
  • Mercado
    Volume 24H
    24 horas (preço)
    24 horas (volume)
  • Bithumb
    LN/KRW há uma hora
    $ 26.32
    $ 600.235 K
  • Bithumb
    LN/BTC % count% hours ago
    $ 25.04
    $ 2.213 K
  • Bithumb
    LN/BTC % count% months ago
    $ 30.91
    $ 11.649 K
  • HTX
    LN/USDT % count% months ago
    $ 28.21
    $ 8.514 K
  • HTX
    LN/BTC % count% months ago
    $ 27.41
    $ 432.87
  • Bittrex Global
    LN/USDT % count% months ago
    $ 30.06
    $ 0.6711
  • Bittrex Global
    LN/BTC % count% months ago
    $ 5.07
    $ 12.28
    LN/BTC one year ago
    $ 25.19
    $ 40.602 K
    LN/USDT one year ago
    $ 19.99
    $ 6.223 K
    LN/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 8.80
    $ 12.609 K

Sobre LINK

Since its launch in 2011, LINE has grown into a global service used by millions around the world. Today, it's more than a simple mobile messenger, having evolved into a smart portal that provides comprehensive solutions for all aspects of our users' lives. It was the contributions of our users that drove the rapid growth of the LINE ecosystem. Now we want to take the idea of contribution-driven growth to the next level, rewarding users by sharing the added value of the LINE ecosystem with them. Through the launch of our blockchain and token economy, LINE is doing just that — optimizing how we share value and promote mutual growth as we continue to transform into a new digital era.

The LINE Token Economy is centered around a single token, our general-purpose coin LINK. This means that LINK is able to be used for a wide range of services, making it more valuable than a cryptoasset that is limited to a single service. A single-token economy can make the overall ecosystem more dynamic and stable, and because dApps contribute to the economy, they can grow with it. For the economy’s users, who participate in and add value to the ecosystem, their rewards have more usability and value, and they can use LINK for a great variety of services without the hassle of constantly going to a token exchange. In short, being a single-token economy makes LINK more valuable and useful.

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