

Created using Figma
Where imagination meets animation.

Sobre Immi

Step out of yourself and into 3D character anytime, anywhere with immi. Using your facial expressions, real-time animation, and augmented reality, it's the only mobile platform where you can bring wildly imaginative characters to life and transport them into your real world. To connect playfully. Express freely. And be whoever you want to be.

Our team is comprised of tech veterans (from places like Twitter and SNAP) and former entertainment executives who are committed to infusing joy and fun into the world. AMGI Studios, immi’s strategic partners, are comprised of the highest caliber animators who have walked the halls of Pixar, Disney and Dreamworks, and are reshaping the landscape of animated content thru powerful storytelling for generations to come. With our cutting-edge technology and creation of extraordinary characters, together we are immi. Where imagination meets animation.

Immi Equipe

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Josh Jenkins-Robbins
Founder and CEO
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