Renier Janse van Rensburg

Assurance, Advisory & Change Management
$ 36,800,000
Projects Raised
United Kingdom
About Renier Janse van Rensburg
Skilled assurance, advisory and change professional with over 19 years’ experience in governance, risk and compliance. Experience include: • Change, interim management and permanent roles • Risk and regulatory change, internal control, internal audit and external audit • Large multinational tier 1 organisations, incl. Big 4 consulting firms (EY, PwC and Deloitte) • Domestic and international assignments I am an avid follower of the continuing transformation across financial services by emerging technologies and innovative business models and enjoy reading fintech, regtech, cybersecurity and blockchain/DLT whitepapers and articles as well as frequently attending workshops, events and meetups. I am privileged to mentor annual startup cohorts of leading technology accelerators in London and Zurich to share my experience and of course learn from the excellent startups enrolled each year.
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