Chandra Tjan

Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Alpha JWC Ventures
$ 17,500,000
Projects Raised
About Chandra Tjan
Chandra is one of Indonesia's most seasoned venture capitalist with a successful track record. Chandra has invested in over 40 technology companies throughout Asia and the US which includes tech stars such as - Tokopedia (Indonesia's leading online marketplace which received follow-on investment by Sequoia and Softbank), - Traveloka (Indonesia's leading travel site which received follow-on investment by Global Founders Capital), - Disdus (acquired by Groupon), - Techinasia (largest technology news portal focusing in Asia). - Shopline (leading DIY e-commerce platform) - UangTeman (payday lending, Investment led by AJWCV and participated by founder of Wonga) - Jualo (marketplace for second hand goods) - FundingSocieties (Leading peer to peer lending) - Mediatrac (big data analytical company in Indonesia) - Carro (marketplace for second hand cars) Chandra is based in Jakarta, Indonesia, and he is an active member of the Indonesian technology community. Chandra graduated from the University of Sydney.
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