Stumble upon Rumble

Stumble upon Rumble

Android, Browser, iOS

The first 100% skill-based play-to-earn game in the cryptoverse.

Fun, fair, inclusive & profitable.

Going live on Fantom network & beyond.


SuR is completely free-to-play and features simple mechanics. No need to be an experienced gamer or know blockchain well. Jump right in and play!


SuR is play-to-win, not pay-to-win. We think a good gaming landscape can be created only with skill-based games. No upgrades or special abilities in return for payment, everybody is equal here. Let the best fighter win!


SuR offers lots of different ways to make playing even more fun through NFTs & pixel art design. Our extensive customization system allows you to truly express yourself in the ring. Purchase skins created by us and our partners for your players to stand out. More customization options & cool NFTs are coming your way as we grow. Each new NFT drop will make the previous ones even more valuable & rare!

Fast & eco-friendly

SuR is one of the first games in the Fantom ecosystem that is fully ready to go live with fast, cheap & eco-friendly transactions. This makes the game accessible for everyone and solves the issues that many of the traditional gamers have with crypto.


Winning players have various ways to earn native $GLOVE tokens and NFTs in SuR. As the game is 100% skill-based, you can also wager and earn even more. Completely legal of course. Keep winning and earning!


SuR fights always happen in real-time with real people. You can choose to get on the ring and test your skills or socialize with others in the room while watching players fight. Over time Stumble upon Rumble will become even more social. More team-based events, tournaments, boss fights and mini-games are coming soon!