Earth From Another Sun

Earth From Another Sun


We've been hard at work over the past two and a half years on Earth From Another Sun. This game is all about waging epic sci-fi battles and romancing world leaders (or if they don't love you back, conquer their star systems)!

We need your help to make Earth From Another Sun as great as it can be. As of September 2021, we have about completed 70% of all features, and have enough funding from outside investors to finish all of the key features we want to put into it.

But extra funding means more content, better polish, and a much better game for you to enjoy for years on end (that's our goal). So please consider helping us out by becoming a backer. Every little gesture counts, and we are grateful for your support.

Earth From Another Sun is a science fiction action-oriented strategy role-playing game featuring an ever-expanding galaxy with unique locations to explore packed with carefully designed NPCs and quests as well as player-created content.

Conquer the galaxy fighting alongside the armies you command in exhilarating, meticulously crafted first-person shooter combat.

Hundreds of unique weapons, weapon mods, abilities, and enemies that provide a fresh combat experience every session (we embrace a rogue-like design philosophy).

The game is currently in alpha, updated every 2 weeks, and will never feature pay to win content.