Berlin , Germany


Codemotion is the leading tech conference in EMEA on the basis on number of annual events and countries.

Codemotion is the large multitrack tech conference for software developers and IT professionals.

2 days, 6 parallel tracks, 14 topics: Devops, Blockchain, AI/Machine Learning, Inspirational, GameDev, Iot, Bigdata, Font-end, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Serverless, Software Architecture, AR/MR/VR, Design, UX.

This November Codemotion will bring to Berlin more than 60 international renowned speakers, hundreds of tech leaders, innovative business owners and the leading tech companies together for a two-day event designed to take you on a step-by-step journey through every topic about software development.

Get your tickets here -


- 2-day event open to all languages ​​and technologies
- 6 parallel tracks
- 60+ international speakers from leading tech companies

Razões para participar

Invest in yourself The pace of our industry ensures that there will always be fresh content on new technologies, the latest practices and innovative techniques: joining Codemotion Berlin is like receiving an instant power-up. Most of our talks have a practical approach: you will learn best practices and case studies that will help you become better developer.

DevOps, Cybersecurity, Frontend, Bigdata... At Codemotion Berlin you and your colleagues will deep dive into the lastest and most effective technologies: our speakers are all professionals who juggle real-life projects and handle real-life clients, thus they perfectly know how to share the ultimate tips to support the challenges that you and your team may be facing in your daily work: actionable insights that you can apply to your projects right away.

+ 60 international speakers, 6 parallel stages, 14 tracks Codemotion Berlin is a large multitrack conference. More than 60 international speakers will deliver their talks on Frontend, Backend, Microservices, IoT and many more: remember to mark the sessions you are going to follow in advance.

Meet your tech heroes It's not easy to have the opportunity to meet face to face with our tech heroes, but your chances are greatly improved when you’re sharing the same space.

Inspirational Tech Talks Our conferences have dynamite keynote sessions and an entire track devoted to inspirational tech talks. A good starting point to be updated on the latest technologies.

Establish a culture of innovation At Codemotion Berlin your team will be pushed to break out from their comfort zone: attending our conference is a great way to pick up new, fresh ideas and bring them back at the office.

Cutting edge technologies. The better way to shape your business is to know which technologies will lead the tech scene tomorrow. Getting to know what’s coming, it's invaluable for planning the next year’s budget.

Build new skills Attending a conference is a great way to build new skills, or at least learn about what new skills you still need to develop. By attending our Conference, you'll gain the opportunity to see how others solve the same problems you are facing, or discover other ways to implement them.

Meet the leading tech companies Some of the leading tech companies will join Codemotion Berlin 2018

Networking Opportunities with like-minded people Our legendary networking aperitiv is the right place to be to mix and mingle with your peers, form new relationships, and strengthen existing ones. At our coffee break you may find yourself sitting next to your next employer or colleague: there’s nothing like being in a room of like-minded people.

caixas de som

Daniel Gebler
CTO - Picnic
Ashi Krishnan
Sr. Software Engineer - GitHub
Christian Heilmann
Senior Program Manager - Microsoft
Tara Ojo
Software Engineer - FutureLearn
Mat Ryer
Founder - Machine Box
Sasha Romijn
Co-Founder and CTO of a small Django development company
Veja mais (55)
Cristiano Rastelli
Mobile Web Front End Engineer - Badoo
Eli Schütze Ramírez
Web Engineer - Trainline
Paul Adams
Open Source Lead - Zalando
Michelle Garrett
Software Engineer - Condé Nast International
Jason Yee
Technical Writer/Evangelist - Datadog
Dora Militaru
Developer - Financial Times
Alessandro (cirpo) Cinelli
Engineering Manager - DAZN
Ellen König
Data engineer/ Data scientist - Native Instruments
Waehner Kai
Technology Evangelist - Confluent
Omosola Odetunde
Product/Engineering Advisor - -
Adi Polak
Senior Software Developer - Akamai
Willian Martins
Developer - eBay
Thijs Feryn
Evangelist - Combell
Sonja Heinen
Consultant - innoQ
Alessandro Confetti
lead technologist - ThoughtWorks
Sebastian Schmidt
Software Engineer - Google
Raffaella Isidori
Founder/Creative Director -
Faisal Abid
Google Developer Experts - Google
Matteo Hertel
Senior Software Engineer - Skyscanner
Alex Fernández
senior developer - Devo
Bernd Ruecker
Developer Advocate / Co-founder - Camunda
David Steiman
Software Architect - KTEL Communications GmbH
Björn Rabenstein
Engineer - SoundCloud
Luciano Resende
Open Source AI Platform Architect - Apache Software Foundation / IBM
Jay Tholen
Founder - Tendershoot
Bruce Lawson
Web standards Lovegod
Yan Cui
Principal Engineer - DAZN
Armagan Amcalar
Head of Software Engineering - unu GmbH
Thiago de Faria
Big DataOps & AI Lead - LINKIT
Danilo Poccia
Technical Evangelist - Amazon Web Services
Mark Bate
Solutions Architect (Gaming), Alexa Skills - Amazon
Rachel Myers
Engineer - Google
Dave Lewis
Advisory CISO - Global - Duo Security
Nandini Chauhan
iOS Chapter Lead - ING
Daniele Esposti
Senior Software Developer - Badoo
Agnieszka Walorska
James Thomas
Developer Advocate - IBM
Paolo D'Incau
Agile Developer - XPeppers
Ádám Sándor
Senior Engineer & Consultant - Container Solutions
Pietro Di Bello
Agile Coach - XPeppers
Alain Regnier
CTO - Alto Labs
Pim Stolk
Chapter Lead - ING
Mike Lazer-Walker
Founder - Playwith
Jörg Schad
Distributed Systems Engineer - Mesosphere
Johanna Janiszewski
CEO & Founder - Tiny Crocodile Studios
Fabio Tiriticco
Software Engineer, Tech Lead & Speaker - Reactive Amsterdam
Ilona Demidenko
Front-end Web Developer - brandung GmbH & Co. KG
Max Gallo
Principal Engineer - DAZN
Jan Stępień
Senior Consultant - INNOQ
Sebastian Porsdam Mann
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Harvard Medical School
Max Körbächer
Cloud Solution Architect - Reply AG
Jerome de Tychey
Director - ConsenSys
Adam Streck
PostDoc - DZNE
Giovanni Asproni
Principal Consultant - Zuhlke Engineering Ltd
Maximilian Schmid
CEO and Co-Founder - A&BC Consulting UG (Haftungsbeschrä


08:30 - 09:20
Doors Open

09:20 - 09:40
Opening by Codemotion

09:40 - 10:30

10:30 - 11:10
Opening Keynote

10:30 - 11:10
Kesselhaus - Building human interfaces powered by AI by Christian Heilmann - AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning

11:10 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:10
Shokunin of the web
Bruce Lawson

How to build a great team
Mat Ryer (Machine Box)

Meeting rooms are talking! Are you listening?
Software Architectures
Stève Sfartz (CISCO)

Better canary deployments with Kubernetes and Istio
Jason Yee (Datadog)

KSQL – The Open Source SQL Streaming Engine for Apache Kafka
Big Data
Waehner Kai (Confluent)

12:30 - 13:10
Fantastic Data and Where to Find Them: The Importance of Knowing What (and Who) Is Missing
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Omosola Odetunde

Dear JavaScript
Alessandro (cirpo) Cinelli (DAZN)

oop vs functional: stop the fight and start building message driven serverless applications
Software Architectures
Alessandro Confetti (ThoughtWorks)

How To Go Serverless And Not Violate The GDPR
Sebastian Schmidt (Google)

13:10 - 14:10

14:10 - 14:50
Serverless Machine Learning With TensorFlow
James Thomas (IBM)

Everything I always wanted to know about crypto, but never thought I'd understand
Sasha Romijn

Leverage HTTP to deliver cacheable websites
Thijs Feryn (Combell)

JavaScript Functional Programming: Our misunderstood friend
Software Architectures
Matteo Hertel (Skyscanner)

Light up the Spark in Catalyst by avoiding UDFs
Big Data
Adi Polak (Akamai)

Deep Learning at Extreme Scale in the Cloud with Apache Kafka and TensorFlow
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Waehner Kai (Confluent)

15:10 - 15:50
Two sides of a coin: ethics, human rights and blockchain technologies
Sebastian Porsdam Mann (Harvard Medical School), Maximilian Schmid (A&BC Consulting UG (Haftungsbeschränkt))

The Human Side of Microservices
Software Architectures
Armagan Amcalar (unu GmbH)

Scaling Big Data Interactive Workloads across Kubernetes Cluster
Big Data
Luciano Resende (Apache Software Foundation)

Getting serious with private kubernetes clusters & cloud native storage
David Steiman (KTEL Communications GmbH)

Hairy Security: the many threats to a web application
Romain Pelisse (Red Hat), Francois Le Droff (Adobe Systems)

When “Cross-Platform” Is An Understatement: Making Weird Physical Games...
Game Dev
Mike Lazer-Walker (Playwith)

15:50 - 16:20
Coffee Break

16:20 - 17:00
Seven Things to Do to Make You a Happier JavaScript Developer
Christian Heilmann (Microsoft)
Tara Ojo (FutureLearn)

Machine learning for the curious but scared
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Ellen König (Native Instruments)

Hybrid Cloud (Kubernetes, Spark, HDFS, …)-as-a-Service
Jörg Schad (Mesosphere)

The 7 pillars of design (and how they apply to our lives)
Raffaella Isidori (

Monkey Swag: How I sneaked geometry into a fun game
Game Dev
Johanna Janiszewski (Tiny Crocodile Studios)

17:20 - 18:00
How to avoid a Web 3.0 babele: transclusions and folksonomies in a content-addressed and block-chained world
Alessandro Confetti (ThoughtWorks)

Back to the future of JS: the next features and amazing proposals
Willian Martins (eBay)

20 things to know about Kubernetes and GKE
Alain Regnier (Alto Labs)

Designer-Developer Interaction
Sonja Heinen (innoQ)

The future of work is female
Diversity in Tech

18:00 - 18:30
Networking & Beer

08:30 - 09:20
Doors Open

09:20 - 09:40
Opening by Codemotion

09:40 - 10:20

10:30 - 11:10
Opening Keynote

10:30 - 11:10
Kesselhaus - Everywhere commerce –voice interfaces, autonomous warehouses, self-driving delivery by Daniel Gebler - Inspirational

11:10 - 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:10
Real-Time Serverless Backends with GraphQL
Danilo Poccia (Amazon Web Services)

Atomic Design, Design Systems and React. Cool, but...
Cristiano Rastelli (Badoo)

AI with a devops mindset - experimentation, sharing and easy deployment of...
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Thiago de Faria (LINKIT)

Evolution or stagnation programming languages
Daniele Esposti (Badoo)

12:30 - 13:10
InnerSource: Adopting Open Source Best Practice for the Enterprise
Paul Adams (Zalando)

Build the API you want to see in the world (with GraphQL)
Michelle Garrett (Condé Nast International)

Applying principles of chaos engineering to Serverless
Yan Cui (DAZN)

The Se7en Deadly Sins Of Web Security
Dave Lewis (Duo Security)

13:10 - 14:10

14:10 - 14:50
Adventures on the Ethereum blockchain: How to build a decentralized app
Faisal Abid (Google)

About SRE – and how (not) to apply it
Björn Rabenstein (SoundCloud)

Internationalisation is a piece of cake
Eli Schütze Ramírez (Trainline)

3 Common Pitfalls in Microservice Integration
Software Architectures
Bernd Ruecker (Camunda)

Where are the women?
Diversity in Tech
Dora Militaru (Financial Times)

Toy to Game: Hypnospace Outlaw and its journey from virtual...
Game Dev
Jay Tholen (Tendershoot)

15:10 - 15:50
Cloud Native Akka Cluster & Kubernetes: the holy grail to elasticity?
Fabio Tiriticco (Reactive Amsterdam)

Has anyone else seen your code?
Alex Fernández (Devo)

You don't know MobX State Tree
Max Gallo (DAZN)

GraalVM: Fast, Polyglot, Native
Software Architectures
Jan Stępień (INNOQ)

Artificially Intelligent Design(er). The End of User Experience as we know it?

The art of rapid game prototyping and reckless iterative development
Game Dev
Luca Scaramuzzino (Mr Luca)

15:50 - 16:20
Networking Coffee

16:20 - 17:00
Community Panel - Let's talk about...Modern tech commonplaces

How To Improve Your Javascript With 30 Day Challenge
Ilona Demidenko (brandung GmbH & Co. KG)

Surviving a legacy codebase: tactics and tools to keep the right path
Software Architectures
Paolo D'Incau (XPeppers), Pietro Di Bello (XPeppers)

When numbers are tricky. Designer’s point of view on data.
Anna Jozanis (Allegro)

Building Next Level Voice Games with Alexa
Game Dev
Mark Bate (Amazon)

17:20 - 18:00
Closing Keynote

17:20 - 18:00
Kesselhaus - Living Things by Ashi Krishnan - Inspirational

18:00 - 18:20
Closing by Codemotion


20 de nov. de 2018 08:30 , CET (UTC +1)
21 de nov. de 2018 18:30 , CET (UTC +1)