

Created using Figma
Comprehensive Ecosystem of
Blockchain Games
Game NFTs
Metaverse Games
seed sale round
25 de dez. de 2022
31 de jan. de 2023
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Distribuição de Token
Deployment Ethereum
Token Name EGA
Total Token Supply
Token Sale 2.700.000.000
Mint able Fixed amount issued on Ethereum chain
Burnable in 60 month . every month 50.000.000 token .

Contract address 0xbfed48217e9a7b0ebc92c6de20fa320602a9e917
Contribuição mínima
Detalhes da Companhia
Nome da empresa registrada
País registrado
Empresa fundada
Aug 3, 2022
Estrutura de bônus
detalhes adicionais

Sobre EcoGames

This is the largest, most revolutionary, efficient, and reliable package for realizing the game’s purist, creative, and ambitious ideas.


Game incubator, Multi chain game launchpad, Decentral VC, Multi-chain yield aggregator, game NFTs market place

Informações técnicas

Our project is about building a comprehensive platform to create an ecosystem of blockchain and metaverse games. A bridge for communication between game developers and gamers and investors.
Our effort is to take steps by creating a place for exchange of ideas and financial support and communication in order to help the development of blockchain and metaverse games as much as possible.
We have a comprehensive project information evaluation review system and selected projects are selected for incubation.
We will support selected projects from the idea stage to incubation and its initial offering to community members to public sale.
The classification system of community members is used to provide various investment opportunities and also to vote on life-changing decisions internally.
In the long-term plans, we will create a special market for game NFTs, where you can exchange NFTs of different games through the intermediary of the EGA token. And we also have plans to attend Metaverse.

EcoGames Equipe

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Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Ron Burham
Funder & CEO
não verificado
Tiffany Jackson
não verificado
Frances Baker
não verificado
Jennifer Lim
não verificado
Dave Smith
AL head
não verificado
Mike Shrouder
Programers team lead
não verificado
James Eastern
game design team lead
não verificado


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Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Marian Adelmann
crypto product advisor
não verificado
Grace Baby
Marketing advisor
não verificado

EcoGames Últimas notícias

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