A tool that offers all you need for your professional growth, and also a way to share knowledge and get paid (or not). We are a trustless platform, which means you don’t need to trust us with your money. The payment layer is built on open source Ethereum smart contracts, so everything is transparent and guaranteed to work as expected. We are aware of the current difficulty in using cryptocurrencies and we are working hard to solve this issue through a nice and simple UX, while not compromising on security.
DLS Academy is a general purpose learning platform, so diversity is amongst our priorities. We offer an easy-to-use environment for both students and instructors, as well as a built-in incentive mechanism that will help the community grow and prosper. We don’t target businesses and corporations like “regular” VLEs, but the people who need it the most: students, beginners, career switchers, artists and so on.
Community driven
Building a powerful community around the project is only the first step. We will provide a permanent two-way communication channel, though which everyone can get involved, provide feedback, propose improvements, vote on new features and contribute however they can. DLS Academy will not be a dictatorship, but rather a democracy going towards a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).
Open source
We at DLSAcademy believe that education related tools should be transparent and open source. That’s why we pledge to make all our code open source as soon as possible, as well as encourage our community to help out with contributions. Access to education is a fundamental human right and should not be used by corporations as a pretext for making profit. While a certain level of education can’t always be free, we will enforce a transparent payment system through open source Ethereum smart contracts and incentivize a reasonable quality-price balance through a content curation system.
The internet of tomorrow will be decentralized, as it was supposed to in the first place. Corporations are gaining more and more power at the expense of individuals, and this is unhealthy and cannot last. Whenever we use a “free” service like Facebook or Google, we actually pay for it with our personal data. No big deal, right? Who cares what you like and what you search for? Well, they care because they are selling our data for billions of dollars while we are tracked and assaulted with intrusive advertising.
Q4 2016
Q1 2017
Q2 2017
Q3 2017
P4 2017
Q1 2018
Q3 2018
Q1 2019
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Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
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