We offer full anonymity by using a decentralized VPN. Use of distributed nodes owned by numerous people running on the TOR network.
We are deploying Tor network technology which ensures connection to two different servers.
Search the internet how you want, without being bothered or be traced by your government. Your information is secure when using our VPN.
“We at DVTech believe in freedom and privacy and even more in these rights as regards to the internet, our mission therefore, is to create a decentralized, well-balanced, legal and private internet ecosystem aimed at protecting internet users and their personal data.”
Presale of the Decentralized VPN token will be carried out in the first quarter of year 2019 (Q1) followed by a Public sale in the early parts of Q2. Exchange listing will be a continuous process with various exchanges being listed on in the future. Launch of Development and Research, Marketing and advertising campaign, Operational, Cooperate development and partnership, Legal and compliance, the project will take place in Q4 of 2019 and in two phases; alpha and beta phases,
with the former involving a proper software testing of all analysis, designs and development done pre alpha and will also include addition of more features to the VPN software. Beta launch of the VPN will include testing of a complete project for known and unknown bugs including speed, crash and performance issues.
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