Cryptowolf Finance

Cryptowolf Finance

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Cryptowolf Finance is an NFT game that will involve you in a virtual world where you are the leader of a wolf pack. You will be able to breed them, trade them, organize hunting and fight against other users’ wolf packs.
Dados não estão disponíveis
To be announced
Detalhes do token
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Sobre Cryptowolf Finance

How Many CWOLF Coins Are There in Circulation?

CWOLF launched on December 19, 2021 with 10 millions CWOLF tokens.

Who Are the Founders of CWOLF?

CWOLF was founded by José Marquez, who has been involved in the cryptocurrencies back in 2017.

He is well-known SEO in Spain, he has different businesses like Prensarank, linkapress and iberica grill.

Where Can I Buy CWOLF?

CWOLF is available for trading on PancakeSwap.

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q4 2021

  • Token Launch

    Launch of first version of the game (wolves, materials and pack creation)

    Multibox system

    Launch of the Hunt
  • Q1 2022

  • Marketplace

    Box of potions and accessories

    Claim Bonus

    Rare wolves: it will apear depending of the time of the year, which get you access to extra atack power and rewards. Example: Christmas wolf

    Advanced marketing (25% of the allocated budget)


    Integration of the real moon phase in our game

    New animals to hunt
  • Q2 2022

  • Clan system

    Multi-ranch system (being able to hunt several animals, even using several herds for the same animal in order to increase your success rate).

    PVP system for packs between users with internal bets

    New wolf breeds

    Leagues and e-Sports tournaments with their own streaming system and great prizes.

    iOS & Android application to enjoy the game from your mobile device

    New animals to hunt
  • Q3 2022

  • Own staking with our own currency, through a land system that will bring you benefits based on the hunting of users (metaverse)

    First BETA phase of our 3D world

Cryptowolf Finance Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Jose Marquez
Founder, CEO & Marketing
não verificado
Miguel Angel Almela
CMO - Marketing
não verificado
Nicolás Marín
Developer Web3
não verificado
Juan Luis González
Blockchain Expert
não verificado

Cryptowolf Finance Últimas notícias

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