

fiNEST helps aspiring home buyers fund their down payment while making the mortgage process easier. By bringing blockchain and tokenization into the crowd economy, fiNEST creates a transparent mortgage process focused on helping with the number one reason first time home buyers avoid home ownership – raising a down payment. Through distributed crowdfunding, rewards driven education and achievements, and an economic marketplace for mortgage lenders, the fiNEST platform will drive the change necessary in the mortgage process.

Sobre Finest

The Crowd Economy Meet Blockchain

fiNEST brings together rewards driven contributions, education, and achievements with crowdfunding to help home buyers raise their down payment and buy a home.  Lenders will have lower exposure, leading to less lending gimmicks, more secure transactions, faster funding, happier consumers and healthier economy.

Rewarding contributors so they can start their own campaign or work within the marketplace to best utilize their rewards.

Rewarding home buyers for completed financial education courses, completing campaign goals, and reaching individual quotient challenges.

Lenders and businesses can create custom marketplace programs and are notified when matching consumers are available. Consumers can set goals based on programs in the marketplace or announce their goal anonymously for businesses to compete for their business as they achieve success in their campaign.


Faruk Okcetin
Eric Porper
Mathias Sundin
Michael Tedesco
Mark Easley
John Walsh
Jameson Lopp
John Bridge