Decentra is an academy that provides highly specialized courses for programming in Bitcoin




Decentra, the Academy of Distributed Registers

Decentra is an association that has as its objective the study of all applications of distributed registers, the dissemination and training of professionals and managers in this sector



The innovative projects we have collaborated on



Decentra organizes training events throughout Italy, discover the calendar



Our video channels



Feasibility analysis of suggestions and projects related to DLT



Learn to apply blockchain technology in your daily business: courses for programmers, managers, professionals and students



Freedom is not asked for, nor is it granted, but it is exercised, assuming responsibility for it.
It can be difficult or easy, but a choice is always possible.

We work to make it easier, because the only progress is that which increases the possibilities of choice, the only desirable relationship is the voluntary one and the only legitimate authority is the freely chosen one.
We work to overcome the central authorities, so that any dissent can escape and choose its own path.
To this end, some have chosen to write code and share it for others to build upon.

We have chosen to give them space to create other developers and a square to deal fairly with their peers, without imposing paths, but illuminating all the roads.
Here we do not talk about people, but we argue theses, we do not denigrate correctly argued positions, but we illustrate our own in reasonable spaces and times, respecting those of others.
Here we highlight the weaknesses of the arguments, on which the exhibitor does not overlook, but treats them more thoroughly.
Here we distinguish what exists from what could exist if the conditions existed and we do not allow them to be confused.

This is the method we freely accept.