Focused, transparent, professionally managed exposure to the world’s fastest growing asset class

Sobre DACM

Our story


Blockchain is the most disruptive tech globally and is being adopted at a faster rate than the internet. Since 2017, DACM has been turning this growth into investment returns for institutional and family office investors.

DACM’s blue-chip finance experience coupled with over 25 years of combined digital asset investing delivers a unique understanding of blockchain’s disruptive potential, as well as the ‘native’ expertise of the ecosystems and communities we invest in. Industry connectivity built since 2017 from investing and community participation cannot be replicated – in an emerging, global asset class it provides critical, differentiated insight.


Blockchain technology is perfectly suited to a generational shift in the concept of what stores value, acceptance of digitisation and distrust of traditional institutions – it is helping to disrupt and reshape some of the global economy’s largest sectors.

DACM’s investment methodology


The assets we invest in

Entrepreneurs and communities drive blockchain technology growth so invest in the asset layer they own – native cryptographic coins and tokens.

The sectors we focus on

Disruption occurs first in the most addressable and monetizable use cases – stay focused on these markets as early wins and capital accrue to fuel further future disruption.

The portfolios we construct

The market is inefficient, four-figure alpha is available, so avoid index investing and build a high-conviction, concentrated portfolio of winners.