Cato Networks

Cato Networks

WE ARE SASE The Platform Makes all the SASE Difference

Sobre Cato Networks

Cato SASE enables customers to be ready for whatever comes next. Our customers realize how an elegant networking and security platform can effortlessly deliver what the business needs, when and where it is needed. Cato achieves this transformational impact by partnering with customers to change the ownership model of IT infrastructure from "own it" to "use it".

Cato SASE Drivers

The Cato SASE Cloud Platform is the essential re-architecture of networking and security
to deliver the speed, agility, and security needed for the digital business. 

Fragmented infrastructure reduces agility and increases risks and costs

We are at the peak of a long period of chaos in IT security. This chaos was created by the disorderly adoption of new security capabilities in response to shifts in business requirements, changes in IT infrastructure, and the rapidly evolving threat landscape.

IT is facing an increasing pressure to own and run a complex and fragmented security infrastructure. Each incremental requirement pressured IT resources to select, deploy, integrate, and manage a new point solution, while sustaining the posture, performance, global reach, and resiliency of an ever-growing technology stack. The urgent need to “keep the lights on” reduced IT’s agility and its responsiveness to the business.

Something had to change: to drive business transformation, IT security had to transform itself first.

Cato's SASE is the change IT Security has been waiting for

Cato’s SASE is the antidote to chaos and the transformational force IT security needs. SASE organizes the functional and operational security capabilities of IT around a cohesive platform that is delivered as a cloud service. A well-architected SASE platform can support most technical and business requirements globally, at scale, with maximum uptime and optimal performance, today and in the future, without increasing complexity, effort, costs, and business risk.

Cato Delivers on the SASE Promise

Cato built the first ever SASE cloud platform from the ground up. The Cato SASE Cloud Platform is a converged and global cloud service elegantly architected to deliver on the promise of SASE: to secure and optimize the business everywhere, for everyone, and for every use case. Cato combines world-class security and networking capabilities into a purpose-built SASE platform that enables seamless adoption of current and future capabilities, by both IT and the business. The transformational power of the cloud, initially conceived for compute and storage by Amazon Web Services (AWS), has finally arrived to networking and security with Cato Networks.