Blockchain Beach is an independent media organization that strives to provide trusted news and information about blockchain technology and decentralized culture…a space that can be difficult to learn about.
Our goal is to connect and give voice to Southern California’s diverse entrepreneurial community to create awareness and drive innovation. We serve a global audience by highlighting wins in the local community, pointing out shortcomings, and asking questions about topics that deserve to be addressed.
Launched in 2013, our site publishes original blockchain-related stories every day. We also share the best of everything else out there — interesting articles, informative tweets, compelling Instagram posts, and links about worthy blockchain technology projects and happenings around the region.
We also host events designed to inform, entertain, and inspire the Blockchain community, and help them link up with developers, mentors and crypto enthusiasts with new perspectives in the decentralized movement.
If you want to send us your press release or want to let us know about your startup please contact us via this form.