Bitcoin Report

Bitcoin Report

The special service for cryptocurrencies and blockchain stocks

Sobre Bitcoin Report

Bitcoin is incredible - in the truest sense of the word. It is not a gold coin that you can take in hand, and not like a stock a concrete stake in a company. Buying the first Bitcoin is like jumping out of the safe spaceship like an astronaut: no fundamental ground, no anchor in the form of a classical valuation approach. Bitcoin can plunge into the infinite. But bitcoin can also hover weightlessly upwards. 10,000 euros, 1 million euros - due to the simple, direct, ingenious technology a lot is possible, as long as the interest remains high. There is hardly an expert, no medium, of which the name Bitcoin has not yet been put into the mouth. Bitcoin is among the cryptocurrencies what Apple is at the smartphones. The value of the brand is increasing daily.
At first I was skeptical - but I jumped over my shadow and invested in Bitcoin. Because I believe that the world needs an alternative to the euro, dollar and gold - a digital world currency that knows no states, borders and regulations. Newcomers should compare a bitcoin investment with a (car) insurance: If the euro does not crash, the premium may be gone - but comes the accident, such as a dollar or euro hyperinflation, Bitcoin will be very, much more valuable. Side effect: You open up new technologies, keep up with the times. Do not invest a lot: Do not shoot all your money to the moon, but take a first small step out into the crypto-universe.


Florian Söllner
Chief Editor Officer
Nikolas Kessler
Media and Fintech specialist
Dr. Dennis Riedl
Specialist in systematic trading strategies
Marco Bernegg
Crypto Specialist