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Última atualização

22 de mar. de 2018

A melhor plataforma de desenvolvimento de jogos em bloco.
mai., 2018
mai., 2018
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
mar., 2018
abr., 2018
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
Detalhes do token
Moedas Aceitas
Detalhes da Companhia
País registrado
United Kingdom
detalhes adicionais
Own Blockchain
Plataforma, Entretenimento

Sobre Chimaera

A plataforma Chimaera consegue isso através da democratização de desenvolvimento de jogos e & nbsp; implantação, permitindo que os desenvolvedores traga sua visão de forma rápida com significativamente custos reduzidos. Ele irá fornecer uma grande quantidade de ferramentas e um infra-estrutura de última geração para desenvolvedores de jogos e nbsp; para construir seus próprios jogos baseados em cadeias de blocos. Além disso, os desenvolvedores podem alavancar a tecnologia & nbsp; Chimaera para lançar seu próprio jogo moeda que pode ser negociada para 'CHI' (a reserva & nbsp; moeda e "combustível" no ecossistema Chimaera) ou outras moedas do jogo Chimaera e recursos. & nbsp;

Além do benefício dos jogadores, os desenvolvedores podem criar jogos totalmente descentralizados, autônomos e nbsp; jogos onde os jogadores podem esperar 100% de tempo de atividade e têm uma jogabilidade provável e justa com verdadeira & nbsp; propriedade de seus itens no jogo.

Até agora, a escala tem sido uma grande dificuldade para blockchains e particularmente para maciças e nbsp; mundos de jogos e seus virtual estoques de ativos. A equipe Chimaera superou isso com os principais avanços mundiais em Trustless Off-chain Escalação de jogos (Game Channels) e Timer Ephemeral e será continue investindo fortemente neste importante romance e nbsp; campo.

A equipe de Chimaera reunida é composta pelo original criadores de jogos blockchain, desenvolvedores experientes e nbsp; blockchain e especialistas em negócios. Então, enquanto isso é um novo fronteira & nbsp; para criptografia e jogos, a equipe montada tem a experiência, a visão e os projetos iniciais disponíveis para prontamente resolver os desafios futuros. Isso dará início a uma nova era de tecnologia de bloqueio de jogos e nó de bloco e um novo jogo ecossistema.


A paisagem Chimaera consiste de múltiplas partes. A Quimera blockchain atua como um backend de jogo descentralizado que é escalável, seguro e confiável. A plataforma Chimaera é uma ambiente em evolução que facilita os desenvolvedores com as ferramentas que eles precisa ter seu conceito no mercado em menos tempo com redução custa.

Os jogadores podem se beneficiar de mundos imensos de jogos maciços com prosperidade economias, jogabilidade justa, aquisição justa e verdadeira propriedade de ativos e itens no jogo, e a capacidade de negociar sem confiança moda.

Informações técnicas

Detalhes técnicos: & nbsp; A cryptocurrência Chimaera será baseada em uma cadeia de blocos garantido pela prova de trabalho (PoW). O código-fonte: & nbsp; O código do produto não está disponível. Prova do desenvolvedor: & nbsp; Equipa pública.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2013 - JUNHO

  • Anúncio do conceito Chronokings
    O jogo Blockchain começa
  • June, 2013

  • Chronokings concept announcement Blockchain gaming begins.
  • 2013 - AUG

  • Chronokings alpha liberado
  • August, 2013

  • Chronokings alpha released.
  • consulte Mais informação
  • 2014 - FEB

  • Huntercoin experimentou o primeiro jogo de blocos descentralizados do mundo (MMO)
  • February, 2014

  • Huntercoin experiment released World's first decentralised blockchain game (MMO).
  • 2015 - PTU

  • Breakthrough - Canais do jogo
    Escalada sem cadeia sem confiança
  • October, 2015

  • Breakthrough - Game Channels Trustless off-chain scaling.
  • 2016 - PTU

  • Projeto de conceito Chimaera
  • October, 2016

  • Chimaera concept design.
  • 2017 - Q1 / Q2

  • Expansão inicial da equipe, planejamento
    e estruturação
  • Q1 - Q2, 2017

  • Initial team expansions, planning and structuring.
  • 2017 - MARÇO

  • Conceito de Timestamp Ephemeral
  • March, 2017

  • Ephemeral Timestamp concept.
  • 2017 - PTU

  • Pré-venda privada
  • 2017 - OCT

  • Private Pre-sale
  • November, 2017

  • Private Pre-sale begins
  • 2017 - NOV

  • Pre-Sale
  • 2018 - Q1

  • Public pre-sale begins
    Chimaera Core closed beta
    On-boarding game developers begins
  • Q1, 2018

  • Public pre-sale begins, Chimaera Core closed beta, On-boarding game developers begins
  • 2018 - Q1

  • Chimaera Core closed beta
    Os desenvolvedores de jogos in-board começam
    Desenvolvimento de jogos de estúdio Chimaera
  • 2018 - Q1

  • Chimaera Core closed beta
    On-boarding game developers begins
    Chimaera studio game development
  • 2018 - Q3

  • Initial, provably fair, decentralised game prototypes
    Mobile relay service
  • Q2, 2018

  • Main ICO, Chimaera Core release, Alpha Developer Hub, Chimaera studio game development
  • 2018 - Q2

  • Chimaera Core versão
    Software de mineração lançado
    Chimaera dev pool
    Hub de desenvolvedor básico
  • 2018 - Q2

  • Chimaera Core release
    Mining software released
    Chimaera dev pool
    Basic Developer Hub
  • 2019 - Q1

  • Asset trading platform
    Community Hub
  • Q3, 2018

  • Initial, provably fair, decentralised game prototypes, Mobile relay service
  • 2018 - Q3

  • Plataforma de negociação de ativos
    Inicial, provávelmente justo, descentralizado
    protótipos de jogos
  • 2018 - Q3

  • Asset trading platform
    Initial, provably fair, decentralised
    game prototypes
  • Q4, 2018

  • Beta Developer Hub, Game templates
  • 2018 - Q4

  • Developer Hub release with SDK/API
    Game templates
    Unreal and Unity front end tools
  • Q1, 2019

  • Asset trading platform, Community Hub
  • 2019 - Q1

  • Community Hub
    Web services
    Mobile relay service
  • Q2, 2019

  • Incubator, VR/AR toolkit, Advanced Developer Hub
  • 2019 - Q2

  • Publisher
    Game crowdfunding platform
    On-boarding of medium to
    large studios begins
  • 2019 - Q3

  • VR/AR toolkit
    Advanced developer tools and
  • 2019 - Q4

  • Ongoing business development

Chimaera Equipe

Verificado 79%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Andrew Colosimo
Dr. Daniel Kraft
Co-founder & Blockchain lead
não verificado
Konstantin Gorskov
Co-founder & Game Dev. Lead
Bas De Gruiter
Co-founder & Business Dev.
Patrique Burgersdijk
Project management
Ryan Smyth
Community management
Ayalies Schoonhoven
Marketing & Communication
Kyle Serbov
Andrew Gore
Game project management
Mike Handverger
Senior game Engineer
Jonathan Soucy
Game designer
Joe Jacir
Game engineer & Animator
Roy Crombleholme
Network infrastructure
não verificado
Scott Raisbeck
Software engineer
não verificado


Verificado 83%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Jon 'neverdie' Jacob...
não verificado
Rudy Koch

22 ICOs

$73 692 257

Richard Kastelein
Jonathan Galea
Legal Advisor
Prof. Nick Colosimo
Dr. Yen Nguyen
Financial Advisor

Chimaera Entrevistas

Rudy Koch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The folks that are going to move blockchain gaming forward are the platform developers. They are the ones who are going to be building the tools that game developers will need to put out rich game experiences.

As a game developer for 10 years, I've relied heavily on robust platforms and ecosystems to not only support the games I've worked on, but to also solve important problems so we can focus on creating great games. The Chimaera team is doing exactly that.

Furthermore, blockchain technology is clearly bringing some transformative paradigms to gaming, and game developers alone aren't going to be able to fully realize the potential. We need experts to inspire us with the possibilities. From what I've seen, the Chimaera team's experience in the blockchain space is unparalleled, and they are using that expertise to define new paradigms and empower game developers with the possibilities of what blockchain tech can do.
Andrew Colosimo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the founder of the Chimaera project I'm really excited to be working with such a very dedicated team and I look forward to bringing blockchain gaming to the masses.
Konstantin Gorskov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
As a lead game developer I'm excited to be collaborating with this incredible team to create the Chimaera blockchain core and ecosystem. It will manage increasingly complex and appealing game worlds, as well as secure and simplify the ownership, sharing, and trade of virtual assets.

My personal goal in the company is to make sure, that all the devs will be able to transition their games into the new blockchain paradigma smoothly by having all the tools and knowledge they need. I will be also looking closely on the first game templates, to make sure they come up performant and fun.
Bas de Gruiter
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Brand and Business Development
Patrique Burgersdijk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Chimaera is going to be an amazing blockchain game development and gaming platform with an already amazing team. Can't wait to show the world what true blockchain gaming will do for gamers.
Ryan Smyth
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Please refer to the official website and white paper. You can contact me through our Telegram channel.
Ayalies Schoonhoven
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
"Don’t find customers for your product. Find products for your customers” – Seth Godin.
To me this is what we do with Chimaera. We are working on something big, something that can – and hopefully will - be very meaningful to many people all over the world. Because gaming as it is faces many constrictions and it’s opportunity for growth is becoming significantly smaller. By using blockchain technology and it’s advantages I truly believe we can revolutionize gaming as we know it. As you might be able to tell, I’m very proud to be a part of this team and to be given the chance to use my marketer skills to their fullest to actually unchain that revolution.
Kyle Serbov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to moderate the Chimaera community, and answer any questions people my have about Chimaera. You can find me in the Chimaera telegram channel.
Andrew Gore
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Soccer Manager Crypto
Mike Handverger
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Chimaera is such a great idea and will bring forth some new opportunities for games! I run Tricky Fast Studios, and along with building one of the first games using the platform, we're also helping to make it easier for traditional game developers to work with the platform along with doing outreach.
Jonathan Soucy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Game Producer and Designer
Joe Jacir
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Consultation on intersection between gameplay and blockchain considerations.
Richard Kastelein
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Brilliant team. Brilliant idea. Great history with huntercoin. The best gaming ICO I have seen.
Jonathan Galea
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the legal adviser to the Chimaera project, which is being launched from Malta. In all honesty, the Chimaera project is one of the most accomplished blockchain projects from a technical perspective, with various breakthroughs that will allow for a seamless decentralised gaming experience, serving as the best platform for developers to host their creations.
Prof. Nick Colosimo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I provide general business advice with an orientation towards innovation. I specialise in disruptive technologies and blockchain is one of them. Applied to online gaming I am certain that this is as significant a breakthrough as the deployment of high speed Internet. Truly transformative for developers and gamers.
Dr. Yen Nguyen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the finance adviser for this project, been with CHIMAERA for more than 8 months. I have full trust in the team and the prospect of the project.

Chimaera Últimas notícias

5.0 11
ICO Perfil Visão Atividade Potencial produtos Equipe

% name% comentários

Midgard Research

In general we like the idea of the project, team and long-term perspective of the project. Chimaera can really become a solid infrastructure solution applying blockchain to the gaming industry. We are not sure about the flipping perspectives of Chimaera, especially under current market conditions.

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