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Última atualização

17 de mai. de 2018

O BUDDY ICO é uma plataforma abrangente de automação de implementação e desenvolvimento de aplicativos que torna a adoção do DevOps fácil, transparente e fácil. O uso dessa plataforma automatiza o processo de criação de um mercado distribuído de DevOps e melhora a estrutura de serviço dos vários setores.
KYC Crowdsale
1 de set. de 2018
29 de out. de 2018
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
objetivo 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BUD
    0.13 USD
Whitelisted Presale
23 de jun. de 2018
30 de jun. de 2018
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
objetivo 10 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BUD
    0.11 USD
Private Sale
jun., 2018
ago., 2018
100% completou
$1 000 000
20% objetivo completou
objetivo 5 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BUD
    0.096 USD
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Distribuição de Token
60% - ICO
20% - Team
15% - Reserve Fund
4% - ICO, Advisors, Legal, Bounty
1% - Community
Detalhes da Companhia
Nome da empresa registrada
Buddy Team Sp.
País registrado
Estrutura de bônus
01 AUG - 14 AUG: 25% bonus
15 AUG - 29 AUG: 20% bonus
30 AUG - 13 SEP: 15% bonus
14 SEP - 29 SEP: 10% bonus
30 SEP - 14 OCT: 5% bonus
15 OCT - 29 OCT: 0% bonus
detalhes adicionais
MVP / Protótipo
sim ,

Sobre Buddy

A Buddy é uma plataforma vencedora de automação de desenvolvimento que atende a um mercado em rápido crescimento e vale US $ 345 bilhões até 2022. Parceria com líderes do setor, como Docker, Github, Microsoft Azure e Google.

Mais de 7.000 desenvolvedores usam o Buddy todos os dias em mais de 120 países. Clientes em destaque: Revista INC., CGI.com, ING Bank.

Nossa visão é tornar-se a espinha dorsal na qual pessoas talentosas podem criar apps e & amp; Serviços. Nosso objetivo é tirar a carga de milhões de desenvolvedores, descarregando tudo o que pode ser automatizado & ndash; dando-lhes de volta o tempo para ser criativo.

A automação de desenvolvimento oferece grande valor, mas sua adoção é desafiadora devido à complexidade do aplicativo, às culturas arraigadas e a muitas ferramentas. É por isso que Buddy quer ser o principal diferencial e condutor de valor que pode beneficiar todas as empresas de TI. O estudo mostra que a automação aplicada de maneira adequada por pessoas de médio e grande porte economiza mais de US $ 30 milhões por ano.

Acreditamos que a Buddy, apoiada por um produto estabelecido e com a visão delineada em nosso whitepaper, oferecerá grande valor aos detentores de tokens.


  • Privado e amp; GRID de automação compartilhada
    Infraestruturas privadas e compartilhadas automaticamente escaláveis ​​para executar um número infinito de pipelines, sandboxes & amp; blockchains

  • DevOps Marketplace
    Uma plataforma aberta para desenvolvedores e especialistas construírem suas próprias soluções, conectáveis ​​nos Pipelines de Automação

  • BlockchainOps
    Etapas para usar em pipelines de automação, dedicadas ao desenvolvimento de Blockchain

  • [Delivered] Pipelines de automação
    Automatize o desenvolvimento e a implantação de aplicativos com mais de 70 etapas prontas para uso

  • [Entregue] & nbsp; Sandboxes & beta;
    Pré-visualizações de pilha completa & amp; ambientes de teste que funcionam como pré-visualizações instantâneas automatizadas de aplicativos para cada ramificação de código

  • [Fornecido] Integrações
    Uma paleta rica de +30 integrações dedicadas fornece suporte abrangente para muitas pilhas de desenvolvimento

  • [Entregue] & nbsp; Suporte ao Docker nativo
    Crie uma imagem do Docker em cada confirmação e a envie para o Docker Hub, Amazon ou registros particulares.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q4 2018

  • BlockchainOps
  • Q1 2019

  • Private Automation GRID
  • Q1 2019

  • The DevOps Marketplace
  • Q2 2019

  • Distributed Blockchain-as-a-Service
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  • Q2 2019

  • Expert Services in the DevOps Marketplace
  • Q3 2019

  • dAppOS & Sandbox Template Universe
  • Q4 2019

  • Shared Automation GRID

Buddy Materiais

Buddy Equipe

Verificado 100%

Simon Szczepankowski
CEO, Product Manager & Co-Founder
Raphael Sztwiorok
CTO, Project Manager & Co-Founder
Thomas Korwin-Gajkow...
Blockchain Solution Architect
Martin Kudla
Software Architect & Co-Founder
Michael Hankus
Senior Software Engineer & Co-Founder
Thomas Prus
Senior Software Engineer
Alexander Kus
Chief Growth Officer
Paul Olek
Head of UX/UI & Co-Founder
Lucas Czulak
Data Analyst
Bart Piela
Front-end Developer
Paul Kapala
Senior Full Stack Web Developer
Darek Sztwiorok
Java Developer
Chris Stryczek
Head of Test Engineering
Michael Bigos
Test Engineer and Technical Support Specialist
Octavia Nowakowska
Head of Customer Support
Patrick Trojanowski
Customer Support Specialist


Verificado 100%

127 ICOs

$664 647 818

Ian Scarffe

Buddy Entrevistas

Simon Szczepankowski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We strongly believe in the idea of marketplaces. Buddy is already present in Github, Docker, Microsoft Azure & Google Cloud marketplaces, and with great results. By creating a decentralized DevOps Marketplace and Automation GRID we want to challenge how today’s developers build, test & deploy their apps. It's a $110 billion market.
Raphael Sztwiorok
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CTO @ Buddy
Thomas Korwin-Gajkowski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Role in the project: Blockchain Solution Architect
Martin Kudla
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Software Architect & Co-Founder
Michael Hankus
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Senior Software Engineer & Co-Founder
Thomas Prus
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Senior Software Engineer
Alexander Kus
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Chief Growth Officer at Buddy
Paul Olek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
UI/UX & Product Designer
Lucas Czulak
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The project is amazing and has a great future using blockchain technology, I am Data Analyst.
Bart Piela
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Front-end Developer
Paul Kapala
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Senior Full Stack Web Developer
Darek Sztwiorok
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Java Developer
Chris Stryczek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Test Engineering at Buddy
Michael Bigos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Test Engineer and Technical Support Specialist at Buddy
Octavia Nowakowska
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Head of Support at Buddy
Patrick Trojanowski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Customer Support Specialist
Ian Scarffe
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Buddy is a solid company with a proven track record and a wealth of knowledge in the industry and a team who is dedicated to technology and blockchain.

Buddy Últimas notícias

5.0 14
ICO Perfil Visão Atividade Potencial produtos Equipe

% name% comentários

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a holistic application development and deployment automation platform that makes DevOps adoption easy, transparent and effortless


  • The platform enables the creation of a repeatable ,reliable and incrementally process for taking software  from concept to the customers  to  improve the production process
  • The platform actions can be executed easily  through the pipelines each bearing an infinite number of steps  allowing the users to prioritize the intended actions to be executed
  • The platform detects the content of the users repository  and chooses the right stack to run any application without any configuration required  through the uses of sandboxes  which reduces the provision of a server
  • The platform integrations has led to great credibility which is highly aided by the correct partnerships  with different companies to create easy automation
  • The encrypted application secrets  and sensitive data in the Git repository  are securely stored by the platform eliminating access by any unauthorized personnel
  • The platform develops  a complete test infrastructure  allowing the developers  and QA teams to easily define test environments for every popular programming language  and framework both in cloud and on-premises
  • 7  The platform has a complete   and credible team with the many years of experience in  IT  related  to the project demands  easening the project implementation
  • The platform white paper  is properly detailed  with adequate information on the real-life application of the project by different companies and users 


  • The platform white paper is not  available in other languages
  • The platform BUD tokens  doesn’t provide more incentives to the holders  by allowing them to take part in the project decision making process


  • The platform should involve internationally qualified personnel to help in translating the project white paper to other languages
  • The platform BUD tokens should be made exchangeable with other cryptocurrencies  and fiat to promote the platform use across the globe


The platform use creates an improvement of service structure of different sectors as it automates the processes involved creating a decentralized DevOps marketplace. This makes the platform viable and I would highly invest in it

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Market Market competitive environment:
From 2017 until 2022, intensive growth in the demand for application development and deployment software is forecasted at a phenomenal CAGR of 25.6%, reaching $346 billion.
In the application development landscape a successful marketplace built around an ecosystem is quite typical. All major players, such as Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services, use their marketplaces as a drive to help their communities grow and adopt new solutions.
According to the statement of the project's founders: "We are the first movers within the blockchain space."
Buddy's competitors in the traditional market are CircleCI, Codefresh, Codeship, Travis, Jenkins
Official project documents do not disclose the main competitors of the Buddy project and do not publish the results of a comparative analysis of their characteristics.
Buddy knows the economy of marketplaces very well as it is already a part of various ecosystems: Microsoft Azure Marketplace, Github Marketplace, Google Cloud Launcher, and Docker Store.
There are millions of developers so our target market is huge and tools like ours quickly reach billions in value (ex: AppDynamics sold to Cisco for 3.7 bln).
Buddy’s Automation GRID is neither similar nor an alternative to any planned supercomputers like Golem and SONM. Here is why. Automation by Design Buddy’s pipelines are executed automatically on the Shared Automation GRID as the grid model is much simpler (Compute Unit usage per second). There are no steps involving purchasing computing power or selecting hardware & application types on each job execution. Buddy users run hundreds of tasks daily: the service has been designed to run them repeatedly without any user interaction. Supercomputers, on the other hand, are more about requesting completion of one-time jobs with very large computing power needs (e.g. the pharmaceutical industry).

Project advantages:
The main advantages of the project are:
Closely-bonded team of 16 working together for years – most of them partners and shareholders
The self-hosted Enterprise version of the platform ready to be used as the foundation for the decentralized application development automation.
A product that solves problems of a $110B market, including such brands as Inc. Magazine, Docplanner and CGI.
Partnerships with Google, GitHub, Docker, Microsoft and Amazon by participating in the Google Cloud Launcher, GitHub Marketplace, Docker Store, Azure and (soon) Amazon Web Services Marketplace respectively.
Buddy delivers updates to its platform on weekly basis. It’s the fastest on the market.
The Buddy platform has > 20 integrations with popular dev ecosystems, the highest on the market
The Buddy team is Docker heavy users, which makes it very fast and flexible, while most of the competition is stuck in the virtual machines area

Project’s popularity in social networks and at topic forums
As of July 11, 2018, the user base in social networks of the project counts over 140K users, but the audience’s activity is low.
Twitter — 28,6K followers, from 12 to 8400 likes and to 12000 retwits per 1 post, which suggests artificial activity of the audience. On the average, 3 twits per day are posted.

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  • Esta informação não é uma sugestão ou conselho para investir no financiamento da OIC. Por favor, investigue completamente as informações relevantes e decida sobre a participação da OIC.
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