Para usuários do Bubbletone:
Para operadores móveis e provedores de serviços:
Para usuários do Bubbletone:
Faça chamadas e use dados durante viagens em todo o mundo com ótimas tarifas locais com conexão direta com os operadores locais.
Não é necessário alterar o cartão SIM ou o número de telefone.
Mensageiro da próxima geração, com incríveis recursos de comunicação.
Para operadoras móveis e provedores de serviços:
Qualquer operador pode se tornar global sem integrações de rede complexas.
Acesso direto ao mercado internacional de telecomunicações com milhões de novos clientes.
Aumento da receita por meio da distribuição de serviços de valor agregado.
Token padrão Ethereum ERC20.
& nbsp;
Verificado 0%
Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
Verificado 0%
Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe
BUBBLETONE is a block chain in telecom platform that provides direct interaction between mobile operators, end-users and service providers through smart contracts. It eliminates the need for hundreds of intermediaries, significantly reduces the cost of telephony services (as high as ten times over) and saves millions of dollars that would otherwise be used to implement conventional roaming technology.
1. Transactions are unquestionable. The possibility of corrupting or faking operations facilitated by block chain is virtually nil much of the benefits of operators and their customers.
2. High security of data; the fact the whole block chin is kept on several high-performance servers (called nodes) on the network (in many copies) imply that the possibility of data loss is very low.
3. Minimal transaction error rate; each action is backed up by a strict code available on the operator’s nodes. This means the integrity of data is extremely high.
4. All transactions are executed through a decentralized peer to peer network. This leaves minimal data to be transmitted between operators effectively reducing traffic on main networks.
5. High transactions speeds: Bubbleton Block chain uses Graphene platform capable of handling more than 10, 000 transactions every second. This is despite the fact a capacity of 5,000 would suffice.
6. The platform provides an ecosystem where new economic systems can be created by connecting mobile gadgets to a specific network. Customers can choose their preferred network and freely switch to any other as they wish.
7. A non-geographic mobile profile (GMP) feature, independent of legal requirements of any particular country enables the creation of a universal product that can be used in any part of the world.
8. The platform eliminates the need to enter into roaming agreements. Mobile carriers are free to connect to Bubbletone ecosystem using a simple Application Programming Interface.)
1. High initial cost; the initial deposit required to execute smart contracts might be prohibitive to some potentials users of the platform.
2. Creation of third-party apps for the platform requires the use of high-speed computers that are out of reach to an average individual.
3. BT does not contain affiliate program that would sensitive mobile carriers in different countries to adopt
While traditional calling industries have an issue with phone call quality, Bubbletone shows some promise by attempting to solve this problem. With their team, vision, and innovative product, we can expect to see this ICO develop into a more reputable business in the future.
Network Versatility: Bubbletone is proven to work on 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi networks. This makes it easier for users of all calling platforms to use its system.
Great Team: Bubbletone is lead by Yuri Morozov. Morozov has founded 3 companies that have received over $40 million in annual profits.
Decentralized Calling: Users can send and receive calls anywhere around the world and pay less fees when traveling abroad and using their data.
Competition with Phone Companies: How will traditional phone companies react to Bubbletone’s progress and inventions? They can either pose a threat or aid them in their project goal.
Call Quality: We would like to see how Bubbletone addresses the issues of dropped calls within their system.
The company is active on social media where they have rather solid following.
The company’s website is filled with data, stats and infographics. Aside from White Paper there are One Pager, Yellow Paper and SAFT available.
The White paper is well constructed, has detailed analysis of the market, very deep explanation of product’s functioning and an overview of tokens financials.
In comparison with other projects of that kind, Bubbletone seems to us the most preferable. If implemented and developed, the ecosystem will save money for the consumers and bring new customers to the mobile network operators. Keep in mind that they already have the mobile app. What you should consider as potential risks is free Wi-Fi networks that become more and more usual. When you have free Wi-Fi you can easily use WhatsApp or other messenger and you don’t even need local mobile operator services. We also have doubts regarding their potential scalability because of unclear business plan and lack of partnership with other companies working on the market.
If you hate huge roaming fees for your calls and Internet connection wherever you go and want to fix this problem with just two taps on your phone, be sure you are not alone. The idea is very attractive, and Bubbletone looks like a project capable of leaving this problem in the past.
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