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Os investidores no mercado de moedas criptografadas enfrentam muitos desafios hoje em dia, os detentores de longo prazo veem seus lucros sendo vaporizados, a negociação apresenta altos riscos e requer um forte conjunto de qualificações e experiência na negociação. Também Mineração / Mineração de Nuvem enfrentando um momento difícil, não mais fornecendo uma alternativa segura para investimentos e participações de longo prazo.

Bitcoin Mining Companies como Hashflare ou Gigawatt estão fechando devido à insolvência. Então, se você é um investidor de longo prazo, comerciante ou minerador, as condições atuais do mercado tornam muito difícil garantir lucros no setor de moeda criptográfica. Uma nova abordagem é necessária.
Atenção pode ser uma farsa
Public Sale
1 de mar. de 2019
15 de abr. de 2019
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
Boné 25 000 000.00 USD
Private Sale
ago., 2018
fev., 2019
100% completou
$59 935 000
59% objetivo completou
objetivo 100 000 000.00 USD
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Total token supply: 1.663.000.000 BFCL
Distribuição de Token
33% STO Public Sale
1% Marketing Activities
6% Private Sale
6% Team
54% Reserve
Moedas Aceitas
Contribuição mínima
Detalhes da Companhia
Nome da empresa registrada
País registrado
United Arab Emirates
Estrutura de bônus
20% Bonus Until Nov 30th 2018 (00:00 utc)
10% Bonus From Dec 1st until Dec 31st 2018 (00:00 utc)
5% Bonus From Jan 1st until Feb 28th 2019 (00:00 utc)


Team’s token will be locked for 30 months after the STO
Tokens for marketing team and Bounty will be locked for 6 months after the STO
detalhes adicionais
MVP / Protótipo
Países restritos
United States, China

Sobre BOLTON Coin

A Bolton é uma empresa que já provou seu portfólio.
É uma empresa que lida com diferentes projetos com 100% de sucesso em todas as suas transações. A empresa também foi classificada como "A & rsquo; pela Bloomberg para mostrar seu status influente sobre os "olhos do mundo" .Bolton está dando aos seus investidores e potenciais investidores / detentores de token uma chance de participar das atividades e negócios principais da empresa. Como a empresa comercializa commodities especiais e também investe em projetos com lucros significativamente altos, nossos investidores têm a oportunidade de obter lucros e retornos de 15% até 50%. Por favor, note que os lucros aqui mencionados excluem os lucros que serão acumulados devido ao aumento no valor de mercado.

Bolton tem a intenção de distribuir os lucros diariamente, garantindo assim que nossos investidores estejam totalmente cientes e também envolvidos no processo de fazer dinheiro. Isso também ajudará nossos investidores a ter sempre o que voltar para o caso de imprevistos. Também recompraremos os lucros até o momento em que nosso token for listado nas trocas de moeda criptografada.

A BOLTON Coin (BFCL) oferece uma nova abordagem incrível e única para investir na esfera de criptografia, gerando lucros agregados de mercados de luxo tangíveis, como mineração de ouro e diamantes, imóveis, integrado por energia eco-sustentável e extraordinária forma de mineração de criptografia BTC.

Bitcoin Mining Companies como Hashflare ou Gigawatt estão fechando devido à insolvência. Então, se você é um investidor de longo prazo, comerciante ou minerador, as condições atuais do mercado tornam muito difícil garantir lucros no setor de moeda criptográfica. Uma nova abordagem é necessária.


& nbsp;

Recompensas Staking

A cada dia você ganha sua cota de recompensas de estacas

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Sistema de lucro estável

A tokenização única de negócios da Bolton é uma porta de entrada para lucros confiáveis ​​

Imóveis inteligentes

Escolhemos os melhores locais com despesas mínimas e confiabilidade de fornecimento para cada divisão

Especialistas do setor

Bolton é gerenciado pelos principais especialistas do setor

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Volatilidade do Bitcoin da Almofada

Mesmo se o BTC cair, seu investimento em Bolton ainda pode gerar retorno

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Existem 3 pacotes de investidores diferentes para escolher. opções de pacotes para os investidores venda privados deve ser escolhido até 31 de Dezembro de 2018, como pagamentos de diárias começará 01 de janeiro de 2019. investidores crowdsale Comunidade pode escolher o seu tipo de investimento no momento do início do crowdsale comunidade. Uma vez que o pacote tenha sido selecionado e confirmado, não há opção para rescisão antecipada da assinatura do investimento.

Informações técnicas

Nossos BFCL TOKENS incluirão gás, cobre, petróleo, ouro e diamantes.
O melhor uso dos recursos disponíveis
Estabilidade de redes com múltiplas linhas de fibras escuras (cabos de fibra ótica deixados inativos após o pontocom estouro da bolha) pode ser reativado & ndash; nos dando largura de banda dedicada, ao invés de ter que arrendar de fornecedores tradicionais, compartilhar com todos os outros, e esperar com os dedos cruzados que o sistema nunca fique sobrecarregado.
Esperar por tais fantasias é o que causa sobrecargas e falhas de todo o sistema . Ter um sistema que depende de fornecedores convencionais é um indicador de que os riscos envolvidos têm maior probabilidade de resultar em perdas.
Manutenção contínua
Contratamos os melhores técnicos de serviço para manter os servidores otimizados, garantindo vida útil longa. e produtividade. A falha de hardware é uma das maiores responsabilidades neste negócio e nós temos uma infraestrutura bem ajustada para mitigar quaisquer problemas que possam surgir com o tempo. Nossos técnicos farão tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance para resolver qualquer problema da forma mais rápida e eficiente possível. Se o seu minerador não estiver funcionando, todos nós perderemos.
Isso vai lhe dizer e garantir que seu investimento está seguro conosco. Se você perder, nós perdemos.

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% name% Roadmap

  • 2018 August 9th

  • 1° Server Farm
    Server Farm electical works and collateral setup completed.
  • 2018 August 20th

  • 2° Server Farm
    Server Farm electical works and collateral setup completed.
  • 2018 August 20th

  • Private Sales Begin
    BFCL official launch
    Private Sales Begin
    KYC Start
  • 2019 March 01st

  • STO Public Start
    Public Sale Start
  • consulte Mais informação
  • 2019 February 6th

    Aggregator Exchange Registered
  • 2018 September 30th

  • Start KYC Public Registration
    Public Registration
  • 2019 April 1st

    Stage (A) BFCL Blockchain Completed
  • 2019 April 30th

    Test Stage BFCL Blockchain
  • 2019 June 10th

    BFCL aggregator exchange operative
  • 2019 December 10th

    BFCL Blockchain developed
  • 2019 November 20th

    Stage (B) BFCL Blockchain Completed.
  • 2019 June 20th

    BFCL Crypto Bank Registered
  • 2020 June 30th

    BFCL Cryptobank Operative

BOLTON Coin Equipe

Verificado 71%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Dr. Roberto Diomedi
Marco Diomedi
Chief Administration & Finance
Wael Marzouk
Chief Commodity Trading
não verificado
Christian Stolte
Chief Crypto Mining Operations
não verificado
Morgan Sliff
Senior Press Writer
Pyatimat Sautieva
Sales Manager
Nik Ndoja
Sales Manager


Verificado 50%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe


$59 935 000

Grigory Rybalchenko
Chief of Advisors
não verificado


$59 935 000

Paul Bichler
Marketing & Communication advisor

BOLTON Coin Entrevistas

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Vision and mission.
Design the strategies and the business models. Choose the members.
What do you think about idea?
New concept revolutionary. For the first time one token is issued to share the profits with holders.
Marco Diomedi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As CFO of Bolton Coin I mainly take note of incoming and outgoing transfer, and give strategic advices based on my previous experience.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of Bolton Coin and president's vision in my opinion will be a real game changer in the financial and crypto market, and I think this is the first step in a long and marvelous journey.
Paul Bichler
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I spent a decade assisting companies with digital transformation across many business areas. I also spent a great deal with personal development, and into coaching and developing others. Examples were training workshops and performance coaching, both sales and soft skills. I coached people at companies like, Oracle, Linkedin and many Startups.

After more than a decade working for these companies I still was unfulfilled, being reduced to a resource that is supposed to create revenue. So I took my life in my own hands again, quit my job and started my own venture.The blockchain space is full of opportunities, whether you are an investor, developer or entrepreneur.
What do you think about idea?
I am assisting projects in the blockchain industry to assist with core challenges and achieve strategic objectives. Whether to launch an successful ICO, grow customers or outshine your competition, we can help you to get there. Our formula is derived from a decade of experience with leading tech companies to bring this DNA to your project to succeed.
Morgan Sliff
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm Morgan, Bolton's wordsmith. I draft articles concerning Bolton's three pillars and authored the white paper and light paper available on the website.
What do you think about idea?
Having written about and deeply researched every facet of the Bolton project, I believe this is a life-changing opportunity!
Pyatimat Sautieva
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm honored to be a part of Bolton Holding. My role is to establish a relationship with Potential Clients willing to do the right investments segregated under 3 major business fields as Real Estate, Cryptomining, Commodities.
What do you think about idea?
A unique proposition to be tokenized thereby becoming a valuable member of Bolton Holding that gives its members many benefits and lucrative dividends through investments.
Nik Ndoja
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a Sales Manager, I'm responsible for the business development side of the organization by introducing Bolton to investors of different fields and guiding them on how to diversify their portfolios using our highly competitive and fail-safe platform.
What do you think about idea?
Bolton's innovative idea serves as the perfect bridge between traditional finance and Blockchain technology, offering financial securities to investors through its collateralised security tokens by sharing very high daily profits, a process entirely facilitated by the Blockchain Smart Contract which provides absolute security and transparency. In other words, a market leader in every aspect, be it innovation, security, and of course profitability.

BOLTON Coin Últimas notícias

5.0 7
ICO Perfil Visão Atividade Potencial produtos Equipe

% name% comentários

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

BOLTON is an innovative company dealing in the holding and managing of assets in high‐profit industries. BOLTON established the BFCL Coin to offer its clients the opportunity to benefit from BOLTON's differing investment sources, balancing between the old and new economy in three major sectors — real estate, cryptocurrency mining, and commodity trading — all activities of which BOLTON possesses elite technical knowledge and expertise.


  • Crypto mining technology is key to sustainable positioning as a leading figure in cryptocurrency activities. BOLTON’s commitment to reinvesting in cutting‐edge mining hardware gives the BOLTON Community benefits of innovation. The first few BOLTON mining centres were built and deployed in mid‐2018, focusing on mining Bitcoin and profitable Altcoins.  State‐of‐the‐art servers at each mining farm are equipped with waterless, free‐cooling ventilation systems, non‐combustible materials, and are secured from threats in any form. Mining equipment operates on task‐specific processors for increased effectivity.
  • BOLTON Estate is a platform for investors to securely invest funds and receive a passive income in the form of daily Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency payouts on a profit‐share basis. In this way investors will gain easy entry to the real estate market and ease of use with their investments.
  • Mineral demand is increasing in developed countries such as the United States and Europe every year. Investment mining in Africa is a profitable venture that remains sustainable, which is why BOLTON regards traditional mining as an important factor of its three‐part business model. BOLTON’s commodity trading field is already running profitably in West Africa and BOLTON will continue to expand growth in this field to further Community investments.
  • BOLTON strategically chose 3 profitable businesses to build the BFCL Token and has projections and fund allocations plans for short, medium, and long‐term investment packages. Using this 3‐part strategy, BOLTON has decided to reward all customers that contribute to the success of the project. Those who block their Tokens for a set time will share in the most lucrative domain of the profits, and BOLTON will take all risks for the first 6 months of commencement.
  • BOLTON Community members will transparently and equitably share in output through the use of Ethereum‐based, secure smart contracts. All Community members receive BFCL Tokens representing their activity in BOLTON. Gains from BOLTON’s combined investment sources are distributed daily to Token holders.
  • BOLTON (BFCL) Token holders will profit from the mining of Bitcoin and other Altcoins, benefitting from further price increases without the need for direct ownership. Investors will have the opportunity to realise profits and returns from 15% all the way up to 80%. Even if BTC drops, your investment in BOLTON can still generate returns. Additionally, Token holders will receive priority placements at any оf BOLTON’s array of real estate rentals and preferential rates at any BOLTON properties.
  • This monumental project is being managed by veteran data centre industry experts, pacesetters in cryptocurrency, and authoritative finance experts with decades of experience.


  • Private sale participants will receive a 20% bonus until the first 100,000,000 Tokens are sold. But, there is no bonus for the main crowdsale participants. 
  • An investment rate for participation in ICO is quite high. A minimum investment of 20,000 USD is required to participate in the private sale. A minimum investment of 1 ETH is required to participate in the public sale.
  • BOLTON’s whitepaper contains a lot of general information. Instead, there is a lack of specific technical data and information on possible risks. Also, the document is available only in English


  • Develop a bonus program for the main crowdsale participants, or motivate them in some other way.
  • If the project budget allows, lower the investment rate.
  • Rewrite the WP to make it more clear and informative. Translate it into other languages.


BFCL Coin uniquely combines the stability of some the world’s most stable investments — including real estate, commodity trading, gold, and diamonds — with the new investment opportunities offered by the increasing market capitilisation of cryptocurrency in all its many forms. BOLTON, with its emphasis on the newest technological rigor and international experience in older, more traditional modes of investment, represents a perfect balance between the OLD ECONOMY and the NEW ECONOMY. This makes the project viable and highly-promising, so I would invest in it.

consulte Mais informação
Jan 22 2019
  • Como pode haver diferenças de horário nas atualizações de informações, informações precisas sobre cada projeto da OIC devem ser verificadas por meio de seu site oficial ou de outros canais de comunicação.
  • Esta informação não é uma sugestão ou conselho para investir no financiamento da OIC. Por favor, investigue completamente as informações relevantes e decida sobre a participação da OIC.
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