BODA Token

BODA Token

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To be announced
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Sobre BODA Token

BODAV2 is a deflationary DeFi token on the Binance Smart Chain. It gives 6% $BUSD rewards directly back to holders from every buy, and a huge 13% in $BUSD Rewards from every sell order. It offers an easy to use dashboard for tracking BUSD dividend rewards. With a strong focus on community and rewarding long term holders. A Yield Farm is in development and should be realised by end of October 2021. The first NFT for BODA has been created, with many more to come in the future as there are plans to build a BODA NFT marketplace. A Token Minter and Token Locker will be designed to add to the BODAV2 ecosystem. Manual rebasing will occur on a quarterly basis where a token buy-back and burn will occur, where bonus BUSD reward will be earned during this buy-back process. The burn of tokens will help to reduce overall circulating supply to help promote price increase. BODAV2 is managed by a doxxed team with experience in the cryptocurrency industry since 2016.  

BODA Token Equipe

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Billy Thomas
Chief Executive Officer
não verificado
Matt Grey
Human Resources Manager
não verificado
Dave Reed
Communications Manager
não verificado
Lee Chapman
não verificado
Stephanie Nduta
Marketing Manager
não verificado
Joseph Riekhof
Community Manager (USA)
não verificado
Tom Edwards
Community Manager (Aus)
não verificado

BODA Token Últimas notícias

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