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Bitfari will improve the lives of millions by increasing the relevance of business-to-consumer communications and the quality of social connections. Bitfari has millions of screens, both real and virtual. These screens connect to your account and tell you exactly what you need to see at every moment without any effort on your part.
Dados não estão disponíveis
29 de nov. de 2021
29 de dez. de 2021
100% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
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Oferta total
100 Million
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Sobre Bitfari

Bitfari allows advertisers to publish ads directly to digital screens and billboards. When millions of users are given this capability, they can customize their cities to better suit their needs. The resultant emergence is a new type of contextual advertising and communication system that makes possible many new interactions. 

Bitfari deploys a dynamic matrix of blockchain-connected screens to make a city that adapts to you. It does this by displaying contextual real-world ads and information systems at the command of individually empowered citizens. With Bitfari installed on your smartphone or computer, you can press a button and translate the entire city to your native language, for example. As a tourist, this will allow you to navigate cities with ease, without depending on slow or buggy apps that try to fit too much information on small screens. You could also block political ads, see relevant products without entering any store, and, perhaps most importantly, place your own ads and calls for action allowing you to start a movement or recruit locals that can help you. A system of live screens can create a layer of usability that makes the experience more bearable for all.

For example, they show you signage and ads translated into your native language when you are walking in a foreign country – both at storefronts as well as on your phone.

Bitfari can also provide highly personalized and targeted information such as shopping suggestions, interests matches, a curation of key messages from hundreds of social networks, and even a list of plates you might be allergic to in a restaurant, helping you make better decisions as you go about your day!

% name% Roadmap

  • Neruda Release, v0.0.1 – COMPLETED

  • Parra Release, v0.0.2 – COMPLETED – IN TESTING

  • Picasso Release, v0.0.3 – 50% COMPLETED


Bitfari Equipe

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Jordhy Ledesma
Bitfari Founder, CEO at Leslor Information Provide...
não verificado
Max Figueroa
Investment Manager
não verificado
Sheila Trucco
Crypto & NFT Marketing Strategist
não verificado


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Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Luis Acevedo
não verificado
Wendy Diaz
Legal Advisor
não verificado

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