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Última atualização

21 de nov. de 2019

Produtos clássicos de fluxo comercial (incluindo cartas de crédito e cartas de crédito à espera de criptocorrências), Comércio estruturado e exportação, Financiamento estruturado do comércio de commodities, Troca de parceiros de negócios.
Esses instrumentos negociáveis ​​oferecem nada menos que pagamentos transparentes e seguros para atividades de comércio internacional. Com uma carta de crédito, a AURIcoin garante a liberação de pagamentos a seus fornecedores assim que certas condições forem atendidas, para valores de até várias centenas de milhões de criptomoedas que você tem e que são aceitas pelo vendedor, podem ser BTC, ETH, AUR, REG etc ...
23 de nov. de 2018
20 de mar. de 2019
100% completou
$80 000 000
2.2 K
100% objetivo completou
objetivo 80 000 000.00 USD
Boné 40 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 RIC
    888.88 USD
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Distribuição de Token
78% Funds
10% Auricoin Project
5% Development ecosystem
5% Technological Development
2% Team Members
Moedas Aceitas
Contribuição mínima
Detalhes da Companhia
País registrado
Estrutura de bônus
Percentage of Discounts on token sales

From 11-15-2018 to 12-31-2018 20%
From 01-01-2019 to 01-31-2019 15%
From 02-01-2019 to 02-28-2019 10%
From 03-01-2019 to 03-20-2019 5%
detalhes adicionais


A AURIcoin criará uma plataforma que permite créditos diretos entre o credor e o mutuário. Pessoas ou empresas dentro da rede podem solicitar e receber crédito instantâneo e solicitar empréstimos de outros membros da rede. A AURIcoin participará deste projeto com seu próprio portfólio.

A Auricoin usa a tecnologia "blockchain" reconhecida para acompanhar suas operações. & nbsp; Também promoverá e encorajará o uso do AURIcoin como uma opção de investimento, mecanismo de poupança e meios de troca com outros criptoactivos.


Na plataforma AURICOIN, você encontrará como transferir e solicitar a emissão de documentos financeiros, como cartas de crédito, cartas de crédito em espera, contratos de crédito, ordens de pagamento, de acordo com o contrato entre o vendedor e o comprador. ;

Da mesma forma, eles podem solicitar créditos diretos de membros da rede, para emitir cartas de crédito concedendo o penhor da mercadoria ou matéria-prima.

Fácil, seguro e direto

trabalhará o mercado internacional com a AURIcoin

& nbsp;

& nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • 11/23/2018

  • Start of the
    Ico Sale
  • 03/20/2019

  • Closure of Ico
  • 21/06/2019

  • Start of
    the Public
  • 22/06/2019

  • Beginning of operations
    The receipt of the Credit
  • consulte Mais informação
  • 30/06/2019

  • The first approved credits
    begin to be settled
  • 01/07/2019

  • Through our website The introduction of the
    Cryptocurrency begins in
    the exchange and Associated shops
  • 15/07/2019

  • Inform the community
    that exchange and associated
    businesses accept the AURIcoin
    Cryptocurrency, through our
    website and social networks

    Application is initiated

    The first approved credits
    begin to be settled
  • 30/07/2019

  • Report From the Board
    of Directors


Verificado 71%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Alfredo Jose Salazar
Team member
não verificado
Mayra A. Murcia Cast...
Team member
não verificado
Mayvelin E. Sequera
Team member
Alejandro Rodriguez...
Team member
Lisbeth Echezuria
Team member
Vittorio Mastrogiova...
Team member
não verificado
Franklin Suarez
Team member
David Flores
Team member
não verificado
Celso Pulgar
Team member
Edward J. Reyes M.
Team member
não verificado
Patricio Menanteau
Team member
não verificado
Emir Castro
Team member
Saul Castro
Team member
Francisco Zanetti
Team member
não verificado
Luis Algarin
Team member
Paola Colmenares
Team member
Alfredo Salazar
Team member
Ramon Veraza
Team member
Mayerli Teran
Team member
Julian Hernandez
Team member
Mariel Montilla
Team member
Luis Morales
Team member
Vilmar Villarroel
Leidy Villamizar


Diorbelys A Zambrano
Team member
Jose Mendoza Zavala
Team member
Mileidy Teran
Team member

AURICOIN Entrevistas

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Perform a systematic process with an impartial and professional vision, based on a report that demonstrates the veracity of the documents and financial statements of the company.
ensuring that there are no acts of corruption or administrative illegalities
What do you think about idea?
An innovative project that is always looking to help the crypto community, and can become something extraordinary for the whole world.
It has a set of actions that allow to help all productive sectors of the economy, which will allow the development of financial technology
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
review and evaluate the operations or transactions to determine if the information delivered is correct and timely for decision making and propose implementation or improve the systems
What do you think about idea?
With this project, so much intermediation in the financial system is reduced, which would lead to the reduction of high interest rates throughout the credit system.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Currently I am working on the development of the platform, in the area of letters of credits that we will grant through intelligent contracts with a team of engineers and lawyers.
What do you think about idea?
My opinion is that with this project the intermediation will be lowered and imports will be accelerated, having these savings of up to 12% in each import, it will be an incalculable benefit for humanity.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Me desempeño como analista de riesgo financiero en Auricoin, salvaguardando las finanzas y cumpliendo y haciendo cumplir las normas de control interno
What do you think about idea?
El proyecto Auricoin, en mi opinión se adecua a las expectativas globales del mercado financiero de las criptomonedas.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Actualmente mi rol en AURIcoin es en el area de desarrollo, prestando el apoyo en conocimientos tecnoligicos para mejorar los servicios.
What do you think about idea?
AURIcoin posee una idea innovadora ya que busca que los prestamistas y prestatarios puedan realizar solicitudes de créditos y cartas de crédito de forma instantánea, a bajas tasas de intereses y evitando los engorrosos papeleos.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
It is a growing company with reliable people who believe in this new investment project hiding for the future
What do you think about idea?
is the new form of payment that allows you to make transactions with other currencies and cryptocurrency
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Currently, my role in AURIcoin is the coordination and development of the systems provided by the platform.
What do you think about idea?
AURIcoin has an innovative idea as it seeks to enable lenders and borrowers to make loan applications and letters of credit instantaneously, at low interest rates and avoiding cumbersome paperwork.
Emir Castro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am language specialist, expert in technical English translations, and I provide my services in the creative department, demonstrating a high degree of responsibility and I also help in social networks
What do you think about idea?
I think Auricoin is the best idea in the market , since it wants to solve the problem of granting credit, at an incredible affordable rate in the international trade, and the decentralized lettters of credit, in an easy, rapid and direct way.
Saul Castro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a innovator of companies with an integral education with scientific, technological and social vision. I have an ample knowledge and experience in the field of organization, direction and planning in achieving business objetives.
What do you think about idea?
Innovation in order to correct inefficiency in global credits with technology as a means of investment and savings
Luis Algarin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I investigate relationships certainly
Mediated by the environment used, in AURICOIN.
I constantly analyze the use
of the communication tool.
What do you think about idea?
I only say that this project is excellent, with this I say everything, since I am convinced that we will achieve a global development in production, with greater development, less hunger.
Paola Colmenares
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Mi Participación en AURIcoin, es el comportamiento de esta en el mercado. Realizo el monitoreo y comportamiento de la Ico en el mercado.
What do you think about idea?
Mi opinión personal es que AURIcoin es la única opción existente y real para el comercio internacional, por los productos financieros que integrara AURIcoin a la cartera corporativa.
Alfredo Salazar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Mi cooperación en éste proyecto ICO, es el estudio de los beneficios y riesgos de las inversiones realizadas a través de Internet. Mi trabajo es hacer un perfil del comprador en Internet, logrando un éxito del 90% en sus predicciones.
What do you think about idea?
Mi pensamiento para el proyecto AURIcoin, es muy interesante porque en el área de financiamiento permite conceder créditos descentralizados para todas las personas, ya sean empresarios, productores, especuladores y así mismo para pequeñas, medianas y grandes compañías.
Ramon Veraza
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Superviso la comunicación entre los usuarios, analizando diferentes niveles de espacio y tiempo, de diferentes maneras y en función de las necesidades y la voluntad de cada uno.
What do you think about idea?
La idea me parece maravillosa ya que les otorgaría créditos a las personas que quieran empezar un proyecto de mediano a largo plazo.
Mayerli Teran
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in Auricoin is to keep a record of social networks, as I am also in charge of the agility and speed in the granting of information when they request it.
What do you think about idea?
The truth is that I firmly believe that this project is the complement of the existing cryptocurrencies, since here documents of future value will be generated.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My contribution in this project is to promote the Ico through the main networks social networks, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
YouTube, measuring the development in them of the published content
What do you think about idea?
It is a great project because it can leverage financially by granting direct and decentralized loans for all people, entrepreneurs, innovators, as well as small, medium and large corporations.
Mariel Montilla
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Mi aporte AURIcoin es investigar el mercado, el movimientos de los criptoactivos, para luego presentar las conclusiones sobre la investigación efectuada.
What do you think about idea?
Creo firmemente que estamos ante el mejor proyecto de cripto que se haya presentado hasta el momento, ya que sera el responsable de iniciar un nuevo orden económico mundial, donde AURIcoin será la protagonista principal.
Luis Morales
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I work in the research of the
present and future possibilities of the
network, based on two aspects
fundamental: the ability to
communication offered by the network and
huge volume of information
that appears day after day with respect to cryptoactive
What do you think about idea?
For me AURIcoin is an innovative and unique project in the field of international trade, which will serve as a useful tool for the development of companies dedicated to import and export.
Vilmar Villarroel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in AURIcoin is to coordinate, direct, plan, internally and externally promote the project, to achieve the projected goals. I am the person responsible for everything that happens in AURIcoin, before the team and the community that we would like to accompany in this.
What do you think about idea?
This project will help the crypto community to promote future projects, which have the talent, but not the resources to finance them.
Being the only project that seeks to promote in a harmonious way the growth of the financial system in the cryptocurrency community.
Leidy Villamizar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Encourage the work team to achieve the expected goals.
Be aware of innovations to have strong communication skills and be able to interact positively with staff, and assist the team leader in his absence
What do you think about idea?
An opportunity to support and develop ideas in blockchain technology regarding credits and financing of new projects, a way to promote the world of cryptocurrencies

AURICOIN Últimas notícias

5.0 15
ICO Perfil Visão Atividade Potencial produtos Equipe
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  • Esta informação não é uma sugestão ou conselho para investir no financiamento da OIC. Por favor, investigue completamente as informações relevantes e decida sobre a participação da OIC.
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