Asgard Dao

Asgard Dao

Created using Figma
Asgard is a decentralized reserve currency built on Binance smart chain
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Sobre Asgard Dao

A new, category-defining asset class allowing smart investors to build their wealth by hedging. It is a decentralised treasury-backed currency on BSC that maintains a value of at least 1$ USD. However, Asgard is not pegged to anything and therefore can have a value worth more than 1$ USD providing its holders with a potential for great upside.The world of cryptocurrencies is filled with speculation, market volatility and unpredictability. Investors are therefore exposed to extremes of scepticism (weak hands) and overestimation (diamond hands).

Asgard is a new asset class that introduces the middle ground by allowing smart hands to hedge. By having its own monetary policy and a cohort of new projects stabilising the currency, it solves many of the problems inherent to fiat currencies that are flawed by their lack of underlying value, centralisation & association with the interests of governments. Asgard Dao is a currency backed by multi-asset stable coins.

It is a currency of which the treasury and reserve are protocol controlled. It is a currency driven by a community-governed protocol. Asgard allows investors to make money during bear markets as it is always backed, fully decentralised, provides stable yields and facilitates transactions at an unprecedented pace. Asgard differs by being an interest earning, community driven token with extensive liquidity and competitive incentives. The currency utilises market dynamics that create a system which balances the buy and sell side of the market. Asgard does not choose the price, but simply facilitates its stabilization. The early phase of the project puts its early adopters in a unique position, where they can capitalise on their contribution to incentivising the currency. You can participate by staking or bonding Asgard .

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1 2022

  • Prepare GitBook Documentation
    Release Official Telegram
    Release GitBook Documentation
    Release Official Disgård (Discord)
    Develop Asgard Front-End
    Develop Asgard application interface
    Develop Asgard Smart Contracts
    Deploy Smart Contracts to Avalanche Main-net
    Asgard Official Launch
    Begin marketing campaign - After Launch - Creating a fair-launch environment
    Midgardian NFT Generation Alpha Collection Release
    Secure partnerships
  • Q2 2022

  • Midgard Alpha Release
  • Q2 - Q4 2022

  • Jotunheimr
    Explore the 9 Realms

Asgard Dao Últimas notícias

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