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Akroma is a cryptocurrency and application development platform focused on creating a governance model that will reward long-term, sustainable development and design.
  • Mercado
    Volume 24H
    24 horas (preço)
    24 horas (volume)
  • STEX
    AKA/BTC one year ago
    $ 0.0008
    $ 51.54
  • Graviex
    AKA/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0003
    $ 2.60
  • BiteBTC
    AKA/BTC 5 one year ago

Sobre Akroma

Akroma is focused on finding solutions to two main problems facing decentralized application development platforms. The first is to create a sustainable governance model around this new network that avoids the trappings of genesis block allocations, pre-mines, and ICO fundraising as all these methods incentivize founders and early adopters to “pump and dump” and move onto the next project.
Using lessons learned from Dash, ZCash, BitShares and EOS, we believe that we can build a governance model that supports long term sustainability for the Akroma project, while still
rewarding early adopters. With a sustainable governance model, we can focus our efforts on often underrepresented areas of cryptocurrency projects, that include: design, usability, adoption, and application development.

Akroma is a fork of the go implementation of the Ethereum protocol. It is a fork in the sense that it uses the same codebase; not the same ledger. Akroma is to Ethereum as Litecoin is to Bitcoin.
Development on decentralized platforms is growing at a fever pace. As developers look to build their application without the side effects of network congestion there are few options that arise. The first option is to build “next to” the network that you are building your application on. The second option is to consider new platforms that promise better stability. The third option is the one that the Akroma team took; stand up your own network, and make it public.

Akroma Equipe

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Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Eric Polerecky
não verificado
Ian Desjardins
não verificado
Andrew Hainen
não verificado
Gunveer Natt
Android Developer
não verificado
Stephen Koller
Designer + Developer
não verificado
Megan Mayle
Community Manager
não verificado
Victor Reza
iOS Developer
não verificado

Akroma Últimas notícias

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