

Created using Figma
Zomfi is a zombie shooter game. Players will be able to collet gear and fight zombies.
To be announced
Details token
Totale voorraad
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Platform, Spel

Over Zomfi

Zomfi is an action, shooter game. Players will be able to roam through a zombie apocalypse, where they must collect gear and fight off zombies.

Players will use digital tokens to buy gear to play the game and advance to other levels. Instead of a static fighting field like many blockchain games, users will be able to navigate an actual city to heighten gameplay, all the while obtaining token rewards.

The game follows one of two protagonists, Laura or Logan, as they try to survive in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. In order to protect themselves, they must scavenge through a mostly abandoned city to find gear while fending off zombies.

Zomfi combines the ever-popular genre of zombies with blockchain, along with 3D, immersive gameplay that hasn’t been seen before. The revolution of gaming is here and it starts with Zomfi.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Phase 1 - Q4 2021

  • • Research
    • Website Launch
    • Whitepaper Release
    • Social Media
    • Gameplay Trailer
    • Marketing Partnerships
    • IDO (BSC)
    • Launch on Pancakeswap
    • Airdrop
    • Audit Contract
    • Listing on CMC & CoinGecko
    • Exchange listing
    • Staking $ZOMFI
  • Phase 2 - Q1 2022

  • • Alpha release: PC demo
    • Community events & competitions
    • Crafting
    • Zomfi Pack Sale
    • NFT Marketplace
    • Marketing Outreach
    • Partnership Collaborations
  • Phase 3 - Q2 2022

  • • Game release - PC
    • Release Zed (In-game currency)
    • Cosmetics/skins
    • In-game shop
    • Achievement Rewards
    • Character Upgrade
  • Phase 4 - Q3 2022

  • • Game Release: Mobile (Android, IOS)
    • Co-op for PVE
    • Clan system
    • Rankings
  • Lees verder
  • Phase 5 - Q4 2022

  • Multiplayer
    • Battle Royale​
    • Zombie Racing
    • 4v4
    All tiers release
    • More Special Infected/Bosses

Zomfi Laatste nieuws

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