Created using Figma
Wire-x is bezig met het lanceren van de Wire token WRC. De tokenrelease is
om de decentralisatie van het mappingproces in het algemeen en aanbiedingen mogelijk te maken
het publiek de mogelijkheid om onze custumizable gedecentraliseerde kaartsystemen te gebruiken
en een enorme variëteit aan mogelijkheden op ons open source netwerk. Waaronder hoog
resolutie in kaart brengen van de nieuwste satellietbeelden van militaire kwaliteit tot 2
5 cm nauwkeurigheid en gecodeerde kwantumveilige GPS-connectiviteit.
20 sep. 2017
20 okt. 2017
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
pet 50 000 000.00 WRC
  • 100 WRC
    0.064 ETH
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
Platform, internet, Toerisme


WIRE-X is a mapping solution for the next generation of decentralized internet.

Apart from the customary features most mapping solutions already provide, WIRE-X has features that can only be accomplished using blockchain technology. WIRE-X's mission is to create a mapping solution free of unwanted advertising and the possibility of 3rd party companies getting access to information on where you go, what you do and who you do it with.

No one has access to your personal data but you, so whether you save a local restaurant as your favorite or vow to never visit it again, that information belongs to you personally and will only be shared in case YOU choose to do so.

Check out some additional features WIRE-X will be providing below:

Earn WRC by contributing to your community

WIRE-X allows users to earn WRC by contributing to public maps, this can be achieved by adding points of interest, adding additional info on historic landmarks etc.

On the other side of the spectrum you can earn WRC by becoming an admin within your own neighborhood, by being an admin you can earn WRC by approving and fact-checking contributions. Each contribution is dependent on approval from at least 3 admins in a 10km radius.

Fix local road issues and safety concerns with WRC

Have a pothole in your street? Need better access for the disabled? Want your kids to have a safer environment to play outside? Get it done with WIRE-X!

WIRE-X let's you place a marker where you would like to see an issue in your neighborhood fixed. By placing the marker you will be prompted to fill in some specifics of the issue at hand.

By using smartcontracts WIRE-X then calculates the best rate from nearby contractors to resolve the issue. WIRE-X then creates a mini crowdfunding bubble that notifies all people living nearby whenever they pass the marker. People can contribute to getting the issue resolved by donating in WRC, BTC or local currency. Once the funding is completed, WIRE-X immediately notifies the contractor to schedule a date to fix the issue.

By donating to fix local issues, donors can rest easy as these
donations will be tax deductible.

Emergency Beacon

WIRE-X turns your mobile device in an emergency communicator when you really need it. When going into Emergency Beacon Mode, WIRE-X connects to local authorities to send a distress call in case of an emergency. Simply select your emergency category and WIRE-X will take care of the rest. This is especially convenient when you are in a foreign country where you don't speak the language. WIRE-X adjusts it's emergency call language automatically based on your location in order to eliminate any confusion.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 20/9/2017

  • Pre-ICO lancering
  • 2017/01/10

  • Tokensverdeling
  • 20/10/2017

  • ICO lancering
  • 20/11/2017

  • ICO Finish
  • Lees verder
  • 2017/01/12

  • Ruilt HitBTC, Cryptopia uit
  • 2018/01/01

  • Rebranding (meertalig project)
  • 20/1/2018

  • Chinees en Korea uitwisselingen
  • 2018/01/02

  • BETA Release Testnet
  • 2018/03/01

  • Open Source Project
  • 2018/01/04

  • WIRE-X Community Live
  • 2018/01/05

  • Testenet naar Livenet
  • 2018/01/06

  • Problemen met Livenet oplossen
  • 2018/01/07

  • Communitynet-verbeteringen


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Tom Kuypers
Chris Jansen
Lead Developer/Founder


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Jorg Mohnen

WIRE-X Laatste nieuws

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