VU (Virtual Universe)

VU (Virtual Universe)

Created using Figma
VU (virtueel universum). Dit is een epische, verhaalgestuurde open wereldgame in de Living VR aangedreven door Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) en blockchain-technologieën die de gebruikers in staat stellen contact te maken met hun vrienden en zich bezig te houden met emotioneel aantrekkelijke grote avonturen in een levende wereld. Het platform maakt gebruik van meerdere technologieën waardoor het een geheel nieuwe entertainmentervaring kan creëren die helpt bij het besturen van de toekomst van virtuele creatie, sociaal en gaming, waardoor het project van vitaal belang is
Token public sale
1 okt. 2018
1 nov. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 100 000.00 USD
pet 600 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 VU
    0.077 USD
Token pre-sale
2 apr. 2018
30 sep. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1 VU
    0.077 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
45% - Token Sale
20% - User Growth
15% - VU Team
15% - Pre-ICO
4% - Partners
1% - Bounty
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerd land
United States
Pre-Sale - 25%
aanvullende details
Beperkte landen
Canada, China
Virtuele realiteit, vermaak

Over VU (Virtual Universe)

Met dit multiplayer-spel kunnen gebruikers contact leggen met hun vrienden en beginnen aan emotioneel aantrekkelijke grote avonturen in een levende wereld die volhardend, sociaal en lonend is. Het avontuur heeft meerdere verhaalbogen die spelers verrassen en verrassen voor de levensduur van het spel.

& nbsp;

Een gebruiker kan kiezen om het avontuur eenvoudigweg te ervaren of ze kunnen helpen het avontuur te creëren. Deel uitmaken van VU is lonend en gemakkelijk voor gamers en niet-gamers. & nbsp; Of de gebruiker nu deel uitmaakt van het spel of niet, het universum en de verhaallijn gaan verder.

& nbsp;

VU is een deelspel, deels sociaal netwerk en een deelplatform voor sociale creatie. Het combineert elementen van Minecraft, Second Life en Simcity met innovatieve kunstmatige intelligentie-technologieën die betrokkenheid stimuleren.

Om de meest realistische en overtuigende vormen van interactie te creëren, gebruikt VU patenttechnologieën die ervaringen in realtime wijzigen op basis van gegevens van de speler en invoer van elementen in de ervaring.


Virtual Universe (VU) is een epische, verhaalgestuurde open wereldgame in LivingVR & trade; aangedreven door kunstmatige intelligentie (AI), virtual reality (VR) en blockchain-technologieën.

% naam% Roadmap

  • August 2015

  • Tech Coast Angels investment round closed
  • July 2016

  • Tech Coast Angels, Pasadena Angels and Wharton Angels follow-on investment round closed
  • November 2016

  • Prototype released for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift
  • May 2017

  • The COVE I Fund, LLC investment round closed
  • Lees verder
  • July 2017

  • VU proof of concept completed
  • September 2017

  • Completion of VU conceptual design
  • December 2017

  • VU engine pre-production
  • April 2018

  • VU Token Pre-Sale
  • May 2018

  • VU Token Sale
  • June 2018

  • Release sneak peek demo build
  • July 2018

  • Private BETA launch
  • August 2018

  • Genesis block auction
  • January 2019

  • Public BETA launch

VU (Virtual Universe) materialen

VU (Virtual Universe) Team

geverifieerd 20%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Ciaran Foley
Robert Curtis
Jeroen Van Den Bosch
Jort Van Welbergen
Charlie Hodara
Brian Leleux
Tom Plunket
Sean Runnels
Zachary Burke
Hugo Beyer
Jacob Burke
Janet Ung
Stephane Nepton
Alex Moro
Mitchell Lucas


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Mitchell Price
Kevin Mcdonald
John Ghadimi
Ev Stanton
Scott Brovsky
David Mcneil


$10 000 000

Rob Behnke
Kenji L. Funahashi
Legal Adviser

VU (Virtual Universe) Interviews

Ciaran Foley
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder and CEO
Robert Curtis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Jeroen Van den Bosch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Creative lead /pm/producer with 25+ years experience in the gaming industry, 5 years in AR/VR, 2 years blockchain tech. Currently working on VU.

VU (Virtual Universe) Laatste nieuws

5.0 1
ICO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is an epic, story-driven open world game in the Living VR powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and block chain technologies which enable the users to connect with their friends and embark on emotionally engaging grand adventures in a living world.


  • The platform enables the players to explore the vast universe discovering places, meeting new people  and hence enjoying their exciting experiences
  • The users within the platform are able to choose between many unique  and compelling adventures to experience it solely or with their friends  building their interests
  • The platform enables the individual players to get rewards upon creating their own experiences  and items for the other players to discover and enjoy
  • The players on the platform are entitled to unique assets in the game which they can customize  as per their wish enabling them to enjoy their life of adventure or creation of beneficial projects
  • The platform is founded by well qualified personnel with many years of experience as the founder Jeroen Van de Bosch has created many award winning products in the online gaming industry.
  • The platform website and white paper are written in different languages which enables a variety of users from different countries to understand the project implications


  • The platform VU token is not exchangeable with  any other crypto currency outside the game
  • The token use is restricted in some areas hence limiting the token use
  • The platform lacks a well generated mobile application to enable the users in remote areas access the platform game via their smart phones


  • the platform VU token should be made exchangeable with major crypto currencies and fiat
  • the platform developers should develop a mobile application supported by Android to enable the remote users access the project via their smart phones


The platform leverages multiple technologies enabling it to create an entirely new entertainment experience that helps in driving the future of virtual creation, social and gaming making the project vital and I would highly invest in it.

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ICO review website

Virtual reality has seemingly limitless possibilities, this is certainly true when combining the described features of their project into one application. It's machine learning, artificial intelligence and augmented reality all wrapped up into a virtual adventure supported by blockchain technology. Current products out on the market lack the appeal that VU is trying to leverage. We can only hope that their product can sustain the hype with an intuitive and functional game that immerses you into a reality similar to the plot of HBO's Westworld.

The game mechanics will promote excellent use of the token by creating a marketplace for virtual land and goods, this could see well for the future token price. This virtual reality project is still in it's infancy so there will likely be little to no short term profit from this ICO, staying in it for the long haul is your best bet, that is only if you truly believe in the technology and the team behind it. Because as far as we know, the only reasonable development over the last 5 years is a Grand Canyon VR prototype.

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Differentiation:  The platform differentiates itself from competitors by aiming to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) to create dynamic environments based off of biometric data that is collected from the user in real-time. Additionally, the platform will emphasize story-telling. The team wishes to build a product that allows the user to participate in world-building (akin to Minecraft) with the use of “co-creation”, a “set of creative mechanics that will allow users to create, customize, and optimize their experience inside the game.”

Market Penetration Potential: The VR market is far from developed. An application of VR that has massive widespread appeal has yet to be seen. As a result, the likelihood of gaining significant share of the market is considerable.

Solution Advantage: The two largest advantages of the platform compared to other VR ecosystems that utilize cryptocurrency is the ability to have dynamic environments via AI and biometric sensors as well as the co-creation aspect of the platform which allows users to “create, customize and optimize their experience in the game”. Additionally, VU further differentiates itself from other similar projects by emphasizing storytelling elements via MicroStorie.

Long-Term Vision: The whitepaper presents virtual-reality as a true paradigm shift in user-experience as opposed to leveraging it as a means for investment funding.

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ICO review website

The project is based on a multiplayer game with the use of virtual reality technology.

Strengths of the project:

  • The project’s intended market shows high growth rates.
  • The project has had several successful investment rounds.
  • Experienced team and advisors.

Weaknesses of the project:

  • No strategy for attracting customers presented, absence of a scaling strategy or a marketing campaign.
  • There is no MVP.
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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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