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Laatste update

9 mei 2019

De holding die de blockchain-industrie revolutioneert
17 mei 2019
17 jun. 2019
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1 VLM
    0.28 USD
Private sale
4 mei 2019
10 mei 2019
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
pet 1 000 000.00 USD
Harde dop 74 600 000.00 USD
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Volum Holdings, OU.
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
Jan 12, 2018
aanvullende details
Hybrid Ethereum

Over Volum

Het VOLUM blockchainplatform

Het VOLUM platform zal uitsluitend op VLM utility tokens draaien. VOLUM & s; s blockchainplatform is gebouwd op de Ethereum blockchain en zal volledig in staat zijn om slimme contracten uit te voeren.

Dit platform is volledig revolutionair en biedt bedrijven meer mogelijkheden voor organisatie en overzicht dan ooit tevoren. Met het VOLUM blockchain-platform kunnen bedrijven Tracking, Route, Identify en Source uitvoeren, alle gegevensactiviteit die plaatsvindt in hun supply chains. Alle gegevens worden vergrendeld in het PLATFORM dat kan worden vertrouwd en gecontroleerd op elk moment tijdens bewerkingen.

Het eindresultaat van het gebruik van het VOLUM-platform is dat bedrijven veel sneller kunnen opschalen van lokale naar wereldwijde markten, en dat zij veel meer controle over hun toeleveringsketens zullen hebben. Dit is goed voor iedereen.

Ons blockchain-platform fungeert als de centrale locatie voor de supply chain-operatie van uw bedrijf. Bedrijven die dit platform gebruiken, kunnen een breed scala aan blockchain-transacties uitvoeren, waaronder:

  • Betalingen
  • Rewards
  • Inkooporders
  • Juridische contracten
  • Naleving van regelgeving
  • Belastingen
  • Verzendbeheer
  • Letters of Origin
  • Douanedocumenten
  • Invoer / uitvoer en voorraadorder
  • Weergave van bezorging / pakket
  • IoT-bewaking en -rapportage
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Invoer en tracking van eindproducten / traceerbaarheid


VOLUM & nbsp; doet uitgebreid onderzoek en onderzoek om de absoluut beste bedrijven voor zijn platform te vinden.

VOLUM & nbsp; kunnen vervolgens deze bedrijven toevoegen aan het platform.

VOLUM's & nbsp; werkmaatschappijen hebben dan recht op de unieke voordelen van het platform.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2019 Q1

  • Build VOLUM Platform MVP
    Token generation event
  • 2019 Q2

  • Close token generation event
    Trial of the VOLUM platform before public release
    Launch and onboarding of first companies to the VOLUM platform for pilot program
    Airtab token implementation for Airtab App
    Develop milestone program for investment in each portfolio company
  • 2019 Q3

  • Start 2nd stage of development of the VOLUM platform
    Implement remaining features and additional content to the platform
    Onboard new companies and expand the use of the VOLUM platform
  • 2019 Q4

  • Implementation of milestone program for the investments in portfolio companies
    Business and financial licenses submission for ACME Financial
    Blueprint development of blockchain architecture for ERS and GridPower Network
    Smart contract development for ACME Financial
    VOLUM platform marketing campaign to attract new businesses
    Expansion of Airtab to European and Asian markets
  • Lees verder
  • 2020 Q1

  • 1st stage of blockchain ecosystem development starts for ERS and GridPower Network
    Prepare and package VOLUM platform for BETA release
    Business setup and approval of the financial licenses and permits for the international financial entity in Puerto Rico
  • 2020 Q2

  • 2nd stage of development of blockchain ecosystem for portfolio companies
    MVP trial of the blockchain ecosystem for portfolio companies
    Full release of all features on the VOLUM platform 2.0
    Revisions of VOLUM portfolio companies and assess progress of 2019 and their course

Volum Team

geverifieerd 100%

Alonzo Pierce
Arnaldo Detres
Ihor Bauman
Chief Business Analyst
Nazar Khrupalo
Business Development Executive
Roman Tsivka
Lead Blockchain Developer
Mykola Vdovychenko
Legal Counsel / Compliance Officer


geverifieerd 60%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$3 922 763

Ihor Pidruchny
Business Development Advisor


$23 458 615

Andrew Zubko
Technology Advisor


$39 650 320

Marek Lorinc


$89 282 220

Chai Shepherd
Advisor Co-Founder of Plaak


$10 000 000

Nancy Boisvert

Volum Interviews

Alonzo Pierce
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As one of the co founders I have been in charge of implementing business strategies as well as establishing new partnerships.
What do you think about idea?
I’m ecstatic how this will simplify best practices in supply chain business. And bringing innovations to other industry’s.
Arnaldo Detres
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am one of the Co-founders of the project I have been in charge of Digital project management for the platform since the day we started developing it. As well as making sure he operations and dealings of the company are in place.
What do you think about idea?
The idea came to us as a solution to our day to day operations we saw that we can incorporate new emerging technologies to certain parts of our businesses and not only to be efficient but to simplify the way we conduct business.
Ihor Bauman
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a Chief Business Analyst. I am responsible for concept set-up, market strategy development, value proposition definition along with our USP. Also, I took participation in blockchain architecture design and token economics development.
What do you think about idea?
I believe VOLUM is here to change the whole industry of logistics. Currently, the supply chain is a huge business that covers millions of tons that are moving from one continent to another each minute. Producers lose billions of dollars each year because of the too complicated logistic process that can't be tracked to identify and mitigate such risks. From the other hand, consumers want to be sure of goods quality and originality.

VOLUM is ready to accept the global challenge of logistics by bringing new standards into the industry with such instrument as decentralized technologies.
Nazar Khrupalo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Support on Business Development for Volum Holdings
We have been working with project founders since summer 2018 on bringing Volum to life.
What do you think about idea?
From my previous experience Blockchain finds great adoption in Supply Chains.

Smart contracts technologies allow utilization of significant amount of automation features to lessen paper work, decrease expenses and create immutable environment for storage of crucial transportation, storage and time metrics.
Roman Tsivka
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I was involved in the project as Lead Blockchain Developer to provide technical support and advisory.
What do you think about idea?
It is a great idea to help investors diversification across multiple industries and oversight capabilities for companies.
Mykola Vdovychenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a legal and compliance professional who provides advice to the project regarding various law related matters as per specific requests of the project owners.
What do you think about idea?
I think that it is innovative and has great potential to make the difference on the market. I know that the team is doing its best in order to make the project successful.
Marek Lorinc
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I expect to assist with the financing, monitoring the investments and related corporate governance issues.
What do you think about idea?
The project involves an experienced team that has already managed to lock in some existing attractive companies.
Chai Shepherd
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am an advisor on blockchain and IOT technology, i will advise on the architect engineering on security and technology advancement.
What do you think about idea?
With a strong business plan and a core team success is will come. Innovation into emerging technology will make Volum stand out.
Nancy Boisvert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a member of the Board of Advisors for Volum. I bring 30+ years experience as an entrepreneur, marketing expert and business consultant.
What do you think about idea?
Many successful businesses benefit from being part of a larger group, which acts as a holding company. Now, Voum brings this model to blockchain. Very excited to be a part of this project.

Volum Laatste nieuws

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