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At Vauld, we intend to treat your cryptocurrencies as a separate asset class, and offer services to ensure technologies based on blockchain are usable as of today. This would negate the need for government acceptance and nationwide adoption for cryptocurrencies to disrupt the banking sector.

Over Vauld

    Store Of Value

The ability to keep their money in a safe place. Cryptocurrencies solve for this very well because - Trust in the ledger >> Trust in banks

Capital Growth

Users will be able to earn interest or borrow money as and when they like, without having the need to liquidate their crypto holdings.

Easy Spending

An easy and convenient way to spend their money in the place of their choice - through a credit card backed by their crypto assets. A clean and efficient overdraft system.


Users can easily exchange their cryptocurrencies for other tokens and FIAT currencies.

This would give every Hodler the ability to completely bank on blockchain today.

Vauld Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Darshan Bathija
Co-Founder and CEO
Sanju Sony Kurian
Co-Founder and CTO

Vauld Laatste nieuws

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