Trend Token ICO

Trend Token ICO

Created using Figma

Laatste update

29 jan. 2018

Trendit is een platform voor sociale media waarmee gebruikers op de hoogte blijven van de nieuwste sociale trends, evenementen
en uitdagingen. Gebruikers van Trendit kunnen zichzelf uiten door hun eigen virale inhoud te creëren. Trendit
combineert sociale media-interacties met cryptocurrency door gebruikers cryptocurrency te laten verdienen
beloningen voor interactie met leeftijdsgenoten in de sociale ruimte.

Trendit maakt gebruik van Trend Tokens en Ethereum voor gebruikentransacties en beloningsverdeling. Gebruikers op
het platform verdient beloningen op basis van de kwaliteit van hun creatieve inhoud die door hun wordt ondersteund
medegenoten. Hoe meer beloftes de inhoud verzamelt, hoe meer cryptocurrency de maker beloont
Trendit ICO
8 feb. 2018
15 mrt. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 500 000.00 USD
pet 30 000 000.00 USD
Details token
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
Platform, cryptogeld, Media

Over Trend Token ICO

Trendit biedt gebruikers drie primaire interactie-opties. Gebruikers zullen in staat zijn om nieuwe virale trends te creëren, bewustwording te creëren over bepaalde evenementen en andere gebruikers over de hele wereld uitdagen om hun levensstijl te veranderen. Trendit zal gebruikers die op de website zijn geregistreerd, belonen met cryptocurrency voor het maken van content. De gedistribueerde beloningen zijn afhankelijk van het aantal keren dat andere gebruikers zich verbinden tot de gemaakte inhoud. Hoe viraal de inhoud, hoe meer beloningen de maker verdient. Gebruikers profiteren ook van de gepromote sectie waar ze hun ideeën, evenementen en ondernomen uitdagingen kunnen promoten. & Nbsp;


The platform will have 3 primary features allowing users to create trends, events and challenges. Users will also have an option to promote these categories as necessary. Token use will be encouraged by offering discount options when paying in Trend Tokens instead of Ethereum.

Trends are created by users to showcase their latest ideas, thoughts, passion or even make a fashion statement. Users of the website will be able to pledge to the content posted by other users. A comment section will also be provided to allow users to follow up with a trend, ask questions, or show pictures of themselves participating in the trend. A trend can be a picture, a video or just a simple phrase. Each trend card has a section where users can describe their created trend in more detail. This will help users gather more pledges and encourage other users to learn more about the trends they are following. The platform can also be used by prospective entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and get information for market validation. 

Users can create their own challenges and challenge other trenders to partake in their idea. The challenges can be private, public or location specific as needed by the content creator. The user can set the challenge only for their peers, or extended group of friends, or simply challenge the entire world. The challenge can be a simple picture or a short video depicting the concept. The video or picture can be of the content creator themselves depicting the process of completing the challenge. Other trenders can participate in the challenge by pledging to it and challenging their peers to also participate. Each challenge card will also have a more detailed description of the required process presented by the creator. 

Users can create their own customized events and invite friends and peers to join. The events can be set private or public as desired by their creator. Invited trenders can pledge to the event and re-trend the event for more exposure. For Trenders to re-trend the event, the original event must be set to public. The event card can have a picture, a short video or text as the main feature. The card also has a section for detailed event description, location and time. Creating an event through trendit can help the creator bring in as many users to their event as possible all while earning money. The money earned can then be used to pay for the event or other necessities. Even small events like a gathering of friends can benefit from being created on the Trendit Platform, allowing everyone to earn money for even the simple things in life.

Technische informatie

Op de profielpagina vindt u relevante gebruikersinformatie in één oogopslag. Deze pagina bevat de volgende functies:

  • Korte biografie.
  • Een gedeelte waarin alle eerdere gebruikersactiviteit kan worden bekeken.
  • Toegang tot alle inhoud die door de gebruiker is gemaakt.
  • De volgers van de gebruiker.
  • De accounts die de gebruiker volgt.
  • Creativiteitsclassificatie van de gebruiker.
  • Gebruikerswinst van het platform.
  • Opties om cryptocurrencies op te nemen of te storten.

Het beoordelingssysteem zal een gevoel van concurrentie creëren om de beste inhoud aan te moedigen. Dit is een optionele functie voor normale gebruikers en niet beschikbaar voor gepromote inhoud. Als de gebruikers een profiel maken, krijgen ze bovendien automatisch een Ethereum-portemonnee die ze privé kunnen openen op de profielpagina. Dit is waar de cryptocurrency-beloningen worden gestort wanneer ze beloftes verzamelen over hun inhoud of wanneer ze uitdagingen winnen. Gebruikers kunnen zien hoeveel andere gebruikers hebben verdiend om meer toezeggingen en volgers te genereren. & Nbsp;

% naam% Roadmap

  • September 2017

  • Start of Company
    Trendit Studios has officially launched as a development program to allow people to express their interests, passions, ideas and earn rewards through them.
  • October 2017

  • Finalizing Platform design and Strategy
    Website and smartphone applications are chosen to host the platform. ICO route is the chosen means to fund the project and for incentivizing investors with improved rewards.
  • January 2018

  • ICO
    The crowdsale is run to fulfill the financial goals required to create the platform. Large scale marketing is done to attract investors.
  • Q1'2018

  • Development of web platform and mobile application
    Develop an easy-to-use website for users to use and post contents. Applications for Android and iOS are created to mirror the web platform. A central database is used to manage profiles of content creators.
  • Lees verder
  • Q2'2018

  • Beta launch of website and mobile platform
    The website and smartphone applications are launched as beta. Early feedback from users is taken to create a better experience. The feedback from the beta run is used to optimize the platform performance and usability for end users. The beta users get access to large pool of rewards for their investment and effort in developing the platform
  • Q3'2018

  • Mass Marketing/Full Platform Launch
    Marketing is carried out to appeal to different groups of people. The concept of Trendit platform is brought to public attention through established social media, advertising space and appropriate online entities.
    The full platform will be launched with complete optimization for mass user interactions and full support for all the features associated with the platform.
  • Q4'2018

  • Start distribution of rewards
    All Users/content creators start earning rewards based on their content potential measured through the pledges acquired by the respective content.

Trend Token ICO Team

geverifieerd 100%

Omer Shukrullah
Business / Development B.ENG
Amit Roy
Technology / Architect B.ENG
Atique Chowdhury
Operations / Design B.ENG
Ajay Basnet
Media / Communications B.ENG
Fatin Mufrad
Finance / Back-End B.ENG


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Dr. Ebrahim Bagheri
Dr. Dimitri Androuts...

Trend Token ICO Interviews

Omer Shukrullah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My role is to manage the team and provide development help as needed. Trendit is trying to change the way Social Media works. Big social media platforms make billions of dollars off of the work of their users but don't share the profits with them. Trendit is aiming to change this narrative and give back to the users while making the platform fun and easy to share content on.
Amit Roy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My role at Trendit is to lead the design and development process of the platform. Trendit's goal is to build a platform which allows users to earn cryptocurrency rewards from creating content. Trendit is set to redefine the way people use and benefit from social media.
Atique Chowdhury
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Atique is a Systems Engineer at Advanced Micro Devices. He is PCI-e IP lead for ASIC Stress and Integration Lab. Atique was also a Development Engineer at Electrefy Inc. Responsible for driving Electrefy's technical projects. Developed various hardware and software components of Electrefy. Atique has the necessary start up experience to drive the Trendit team. Atique is also expert in software and product development.
Ajay Basnet
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My role is to drive the media/marketing during ICO and bring my machine learning dev. experience once the platform is built.
Fatin Mufrad
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My role is to lead the finance division of trendit. I will also be working closely with the development team to drive user acquisition and integration to the platform. Trendit’s goal is to provide its users a platform for sharing their unique talents and earn cryptocurrency rewards through them.
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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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