The Fabric Token Ecosystem

The Fabric Token Ecosystem

Created using Figma

Laatste update

21 feb. 2018

Slimme contracten slepen en neerzetten.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Switcheo
    FT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
  • Uniswap (v3)
    FT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0001
  • Idex
    FT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0002
    $ 298.55
  • TokenJar
    FT/WETH % count% een jaar geleden
  • Cryptopia
    FT/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0103
  • Cryptopia
    FT/LTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0065
    $ 6.52
  • Cryptopia
    FT/DOGE % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0133
    $ 0.3597
  • BitMart
  • FCoin
  • FCoin
  • FCoin
  • FCoin
  • FCoin
15 feb. 2018
1 apr. 2018
100% voltooid
$4 700 000
3.5 K
52% pet voltooid
pet 9 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 FT
    0.1125 USD
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
Platform, cryptogeld

Over The Fabric Token Ecosystem

Ideeën omzetten in DApps.

Het Fabric Token-ecosysteem is bedoeld om mensen en bedrijven te helpen bij het toepassen van blockchain-technologie en de onderliggende slimme contracten door een brug te slaan tussen eenvoudige gebruikersinterfaces en computer-begrijpbare taal. Voor individuen hebben we TokenGen (binnenkort beschikbaar) ontwikkeld. Dit is een webtoepassing waarmee iedereen eenvoudig slimme contracten voor hun token en fondsenwerving kan genereren. Gebruikers zullen een eenvoudig stapsgewijs proces doorlopen, waarbij ze de functionaliteit selecteren die ze nodig hebben voor hun token en crowdsale, door noodzakelijke info te leveren, zoals de tokennaam, het symbool, enz., En vervolgens een klein bedrag in Fabric Tokens te betalen voordat ze uiteindelijk hun smart krijgen contractcode.

& nbsp; Voor bedrijven maken we DApp Workbench, een bureaubladtoepassing met slepen en neerzetten, gebruikmakend van het Electron-framework voor platformonafhankelijke compatibiliteit, en we hebben ook een cloud voor test- en implementatiedoeleinden. Kort gezegd, met DApp Workbench kunnen bedrijven blockchaintechnologie en slimme contracten implementeren in hun bedrijfsprocesbeheer, waardoor ze procestijden, efficiëntie en kosten kunnen verbeteren (meer uitgebreid weergegeven in het Witboek).

& nbsp; Het laatste deel van het project is de Fabric Store, een gedecentraliseerde marktplaats voor slimme contractcomponenten, waarmee externe ontwikkelaars onze software kunnen aanvullen door extra use cases voor slimme contracten te dekken, waardoor de functionaliteit van de Fabric Token-ecosysteem.

Om samen te vatten, hebben we vastgesteld dat tal van miljardenindustrieën aanzienlijk kunnen worden verbeterd door blockchain-technologie en slimme contracten en we zijn van plan software te leveren die een snelle applicatie-ontwikkeling voor DApps mogelijk maakt, waardoor de innovatie in de industrie fenomenaal wordt versneld.


De producten binnen het FT-ecosysteem zullen zich primair richten op het helpen van mensen van elke achtergrond om hun decentrale applicatie (DApp) te maken en te implementeren, zonder de gespecialiseerde kennis van computerprogramma's die ze normaal gesproken nodig zouden hebben. Binnen het FT-platform zullen er vier hoofdcomponenten zijn:

  1. Het fabric-token zelf - het betalingsprogramma binnen het FT-ecosysteem.
  2. Fabric Store - een gedecentraliseerde marktplaats voor slimme contractcomponenten.
  3. TokenGen - een eenvoudige webapplicatie voor het genereren van slimme contracten.
  4. DApp Workbench - het bedrijfsapplicatieplatform voor het integreren van slimme contracten en blockchain in BPM.
    & nbsp;

% naam% Roadmap

  • Started Development on TokenGen

  • Currently the UI and beta functionality, featuring a total of 6 smart contract templates, are both fully operational.
  • Sep, 2017 - Started Development on TokenGen

  • Currently the UI and beta functionality, featuring a total of 6 smart contract templates, are both fully operational.
  • Sep, 2017

  • Started Development on TokenGen
    Currently the UI and beta functionality, featuring a total of 6 smart contract templates extending the basic token and fundraiser functionality, are both fully operational. The tool will be available to users as soon as the Fabric Token launch is finalized.
  • Started Development on DApp Workbench

  • Extensively tested and ultimately determined the software architecture, technology stack, supported blockchains, and modeling notation.
  • Lees verder
  • Oct, 2017

  • Started Development on DApp Workbench
    Extensively tested and ultimately determined the software architecture, technology stack, supported blockchains, and modeling notation for the BPM.
  • TokenGen 1.0

  • Includes fully functioning web application for token and fundraiser smart contracts generation.
  • Feb, 2018

  • TokenGen 1.0
    Includes fully functioning web application for token and fundraiser smart contracts generation.
  • TokenGen 2.0

  • Additional smart contract templates added for both token and fundraiser functionality.
  • Oct, 2017 - Started Development on DApp Workbench

  • Extensively tested and ultimately determined the software architecture, technology stack, supported blockchains, and modeling notation.
  • Apr, 2018

  • TokenGen 2.0
    Additional smart contract templates added for both token and fundraiser functionality.
  • DApp Workbench Public Beta

  • Includes the fully functioning DApp Workbench desktop application as well as cloud with a limited set of smart contract components.
  • Jul, 2018

  • DApp Workbench Public Beta
    Includes the fully functioning DApp Workbench desktop application as well as cloud with a limited set of smart contract components, which will be determined and publicized prior to the beta launch.
  • DApp Workbench 1.0

  • Extends the beta version of the software by significantly expanding the smart contract components provided by DApp Workbench.
  • Sep, 2018

  • DApp Workbench 1.0
    Extends the beta version of the software by significantly expanding the smart contract components provided by DApp Workbench.
  • Fabric Store Development Start

  • Initial code for the smart contracts of the project is written, optimized, tested, audited, and then deployed.
  • Fabric Store Development Start

  • Initial code for the smart contracts of the project is written, optimized, tested, audited, and then deployed.
  • Feb, 2018 - TokenGen 1.0

  • Includes fully functioning web application for token and fundraiser smart contracts generation.
  • Oct, 2018

  • Fabric Store Development Start
    Initial code for the smart contracts of the project is written, optimized, tested, audited, and then deployed. Next, a UI to work with the smart contracts is developed.
  • Fabric Store Public Beta

  • Partly functional UI connected to the smart contracts of the Fabric Store is open to the public for testing purposes.
  • Dec, 2018

  • Fabric Store Public Beta
    Partly functional UI connected to the smart contracts of the Fabric Store is open to the public for testing purposes.
  • Fabric Store 1.0

  • The first fully operational decentralized marketplace for smart contract components is officially released.
  • Feb, 2019

  • Fabric Store 1.0
    The first fully operational decentralized marketplace for smart contract components is officially released thus allowing third-party developers to further improve the performance of our vanilla projects and expand the adoption of the Fabric Token ecosystem.
  • Further Improving The Fabric Token Ecosystem

  • Further improvements to the Fabric Token ecosystem, making the products accessible to an ever-growing group of users and businesses.
  • Apr, 2018 - TokenGen 2.0

  • Additional smart contract templates added for both token and fundraiser functionality.
  • 2019+

  • Further Improving The Fabric Token Ecosystem
    Further improvements to the Fabric Token ecosystem mainly focused on expanding the functionality scope covered by the smart contract components making the products accessible to an ever-growing group of users and businesses.
  • Jul, 2018 - DApp Workbench Public Beta

  • Includes the fully functioning DApp Workbench desktop application as well as cloud with a limited set of smart contract components.
  • Sep, 2018 - DApp Workbench 1.0

  • Extends the beta version of the software by significantly expanding the smart contract components provided by DApp Workbench.
  • Oct, 2018 - Fabric Store Development Start

  • Initial code for the smart contracts of the project is written, optimized, tested, audited, and then deployed.
  • Dec, 2018 - Fabric Store Public Beta

  • Partly functional UI connected to the smart contracts of the Fabric Store is open to the public for testing purposes.
  • Feb, 2019 - Fabric Store 1.0

  • The first fully operational decentralized marketplace for smart contract components is officially released.
  • 2019+ Further Improving The Fabric Token Ecosystem

  • Further improvements to the Fabric Token ecosystem, making the products accessible to an ever-growing group of users and businesses.

The Fabric Token Ecosystem Team

geverifieerd 100%

Nikolay Nikov
Marin Ivanov
Doncho Karaivanov
Dimitar Boyanov
Business & Legal Framework
Krastyu Georgiev
Technical Consultant
Marian Nedelchev
Business Landscape Analysis & BPM Consulting
Milen Ivanov
Market Research & Project Economics
Petya Valkova
Project Management Consultant
Simeon Karaivanov
Content Editor

The Fabric Token Ecosystem Interviews

Nikolay Nikov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am CEO of Niquid Tech, the company behind the Fabric Token project. I envisioned the product ecosystem and assembled the team of proven experts who would polish its details and drive it to success.
Marin Ivanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am CTO of Niquid Tech, the company that develops the Fabric Token Ecosystem. I have the responsibility to make technical and architectural decisions about the project and I take part in multiple steps in the systems development life cycle..
Doncho Karaivanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I am the COO and Head of Marketing at the Fabric Token project. My main role is to market the platform developed by the team as well as brand, design, and develop the front-end for the products within the FT ecosystem.
Dimitar Boyanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Business and Legal Framework
Krastyu Georgiev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My role in the project is the role of the technical advisor.
My experience in Model-based Engineering (MBE) and the automation of software development will be of benefit to the project.
Marian Nedelchev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
As a Business Landscape Analysis & BPM Consultant, my primary role is to advise the team about the proper application of the BPMN elements and the semantic concepts they represent. I also believe my extensive experience in the Business Analysis field within different domains would be a great asset to this project.
Milen Ivanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Crypto Market ICO Research & Project Economics
Petya Valkova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Revise the business strategy & commitment.
Simeon Karaivanov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
My role is to edit and proofread the whitepaper any other textual content relevant to the project.
$ 0.0002
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 9.082 K
Volume 24h:
$ 0.5611
Circ. Supply:
43.594 M FT
ICO profit
X 0.0019
ICO Price~$0.1125

% name% Reviews
News, reviews

Most businesses around the world assume that the blockchain technology is used for risky and speculative investments such as cryptocurrency. But, this is not completely true. The adoption of blockchain technology and intelligent contracts will be beneficial for all business owners.

The ecosystem will empower small businesses and individuals with easy access to smart contracts and blockchain technology. It will provide the opportunity to anyone to participate in creating a trustworthy and decentralized world.

The Fabric Token ecosystem is a proposed solution for solving problems associated with the adoption of blockchain technology. The team associated with the project plans to build a complete ecosystem that will consist of the DApp workbench, TokenGen, Fabric Token itself, and the Fabric store. The FT token will be solely used for the purpose of making payment for services and products within the Fabric Token ecosystem.

FT tokens will be used to purchase products or services within the ecosystem.
TokenGen will be used for generation of smart contracts.
DApp Workbench will allow small businesses to integrate blockchains and smart contract into business processes.
Small business enterprises will be able to model, manage and improve their workflow using the drag-and-drop of the user interface of the DApp.

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