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SyncFab is een technologiebedrijf dat in 2013 werd opgericht en haar hoofdkantoor heeft in Silicon Valley, met als doel kopers met fabrikanten te verbinden via de dynamiek en innovaties van het IIoT.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Bancor Network
    MFG/BNT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0208
    $ 3.224 K
  • Kyber Network
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0336
    $ 4.027 K
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0075
    $ 30.66
  • Idex
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0052
    $ 200.11
  • Uniswap (v3)
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
  • DigiFinex
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0037
    $ 138.86
  • Hotbit
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0093
    $ 2.612 K
  • Bitforex
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0020
    $ 22.76
  • DigiFinex
    MFG/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0003
    $ 2.68
  • DigiFinex
    MFG/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0013
    $ 4.08
  • Bamboo Relay
    MFG/WETH % count% een jaar geleden
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0004
    $ 0.9617
    MFG/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0003
    $ 2.48
  • Bitforex
    MFG/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0010
  • Simex
    MFG/USD % count% een jaar geleden
  • Simex
    MFG/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
  • Cobinhood
    MFG/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0012
    $ 132.50
  • Cobinhood
    MFG/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0010
15 feb. 2018
15 mrt. 2018
100% voltooid
$9 155 717
8% harde dop voltooid
Harde dop 33 000.00 ETH
  • 1250 MFG
    1 ETH
15 jan. 2018
14 feb. 2018
100% voltooid
$38 276 333
harde dop
73% pet voltooid
pet 15 000.00 ETH
Harde dop 33 000.00 ETH
  • 1562 MFG
    1 ETH
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
United States
aanvullende details

Over SyncFab

Silicon Valley-based SyncFab aims to harness technologies and connect with the IoT and the IIoT to provide purchasers and manufacturers with high quality data that would streamline processes along the supply chain.

Connecting purchasers with manufacturers in the IIoT through its business-to-business (B2B) SaaS ecosystem, SyncFab creates a public, peer-to-peer ecosystem whereby purchasers can find companies capable of advanced machining of on-demand precision parts production and engage participants passionate about improving efficiencies in the supply chain. While the government built the Internet (ARPANET), SyncFab believes the IIoT will be built collaboratively, through public-private partnerships (of which SyncFab has formed). Such cross-sector partnerships will collect and combine best practices and share wisdom from multiple perspectives.

Inventors, innovators, and designers enter an interactive, cloud-based portal where a growing network of certified machine shops and advancedmanufacturing facilities are mapped by several criteria, such as, who is local and clean.

With SyncFab’s curated and adaptive services, companies attempting to shift their manufacturing processes to high-tech smart factories, and those exploring ways to optimize their “cost-to-serve” process (lowering overhead costs per customer account) can find solutions such as sourcing, tracking and organizing precision parts production and improved procurement systems.

A recent report found that U.S. companies spent an estimated $20 billion in 2012, and are forecasted to spend approximately $500 billion by 2020 on smart technologies.

In the 2016 Forbes’ Manufacturer Outlook, 32% of companies surveyed said their corporate strategy largely relies on integrated technologies via the IIoT. See Chart: Putting Technology in the Supply Chain.

These forward-looking companies are the customer base for SyncFab’s services.

Essential to SyncFab’s Smart Manufacturing Blockchain will be the use of the MFG Utility Token, a first of its kind to incentivize community users to embrace blockchain technology. Core to the blockchain’s adoption is a shared sense of trust between purchasers, developers and manufacturers built on a public and more transparent supply chain system, where small to medium-sized manufacturers can access a blockchain and be a supplier in spaces where they are currently obscured.

For example, to compensate for work done on RFQs creates more responses to the just-in-time needs of supply chain purchasers and buyers. Purchase managers cut through trust issues and delays with blockchain’s inherent transparency into cost and quality control.

With the MFG Token’s launch, SyncFab serves as an early adopter, protocol developer and integrator of Smart Contracts into the manufacturing supply chain blockchain. The MFG Token will be utilized firstly on SyncFab, secondly on SyncFab's soon to be developed Smart Manufacturing Smart Contract Ethereum Blockchain and ultimately adopted by new and emerging partner manufacturing supply chain blockchains using SyncFab's developed blockchain smart contract protocols or their own with the industry's first MFG Token Smart Contract-based incentive mechanism.

The MFG Token will be integrated on the SyncFab platform which has a strong network launchpad built out from public-private partnerships. Though it’s designed to serve a public, peer-to-peer Smart Manufacturing Blockchain, it’s utility is designed to be complementary to third party standalone solutions, such as those future supply chain blockchains which are more inward-looking, private enterprise based supply chain blockchains.


- Middleman uitschakelen. SyncFab verzamelt alle bestellingen en verzendt verzoeken rechtstreeks naar fabrikanten die voldoen aan de vereisten van de koper. Kopers kunnen al hun onderdelen in productie vanaf één plek monitoren en de onderdelen rechtstreeks aan hun bedrijf laten leveren.

- Kleine bedrijven promoten. SyncFab ontwikkelt de technologie om lokale productiebedrijven te promoten, biedt kopers eenvoudige productie van onderdelen, stroomlijnt het fabricageproces en stimuleert kopers en fabrikanten met beloningen voor hun inspanningen.

- De werkgroep stimuleren . De MFG-token is een utility-token die wordt gebruikt om kopers en fabrikanten te belonen, betalingen te verrichten, intellectuele eigendommen te beschermen en vertrouwen en transparantie te bevorderen door slimme contracten uit te voeren op de blockchain.

- Innovating Industry Technology. Gedecentraliseerde app (DApp) is het P2P IIoT-inkoopnetwerk voor productie dat beschikbaar is voor het publiek. Hiermee worden tussenpersonen en makelaars uit het productieproces verwijderd en krijgen alledaagse innovators en kleine bedrijven de macht om te produceren.

Technische informatie

Technische details: & nbsp; Ethereum erc20 standaard token. De broncode: & nbsp; De code van het product is niet beschikbaar. Bewijs van ontwikkelaar: & nbsp; Openbaar team.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Quarter 1, 2018

  • MFG Token Generation Event and Distribution
  • Quarter 2, 2018

  • MFG Token Acceptance Integration
  • Quarter 3, 2018

  • Format Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts for Purchasers
  • Quarter 4, 2018

  • Format Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts for Suppliers
  • Lees verder
  • Quarter 1, 2019

  • Implement MFG Ethereum Supply Chain Blockchain Smart Contract
  • Quarter 2, 2019

  • Survey Machine Shop Upgrade Requirements
  • Quarter 3, 2019

  • Formulate Upgrade Solution for Machine Shops
  • Quarter 4, 2019

  • Begin Implementing Machine Live Data Feed Upgrade Solution

SyncFab Team

geverifieerd 27%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Jeremy Goodwin
Jeremy Goodwin Chief Executive Officer
Andy Tong
Chief Strategy Officer
Jay Ligda
Chief Technology Officer
Dennis Delgado
Chief Design Officer
Victor Nguyen
VP Product & Operations
Ben Gerstein
VP Marketing
Sharon Wang
UI/UX Designer
Tam Du
Blockchain Engineer


$54 052 316

Ali Zain
Blockchain Developer
Hikaru Yuki
Executive Director
Jason Tong
General Manager


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$47 363 295

Mike Jones
Business Advisor


$69 268 227

Gil Penchina
VC Crypto Advisor
Xiaochun Li
Manufacturing Advisor
Mark Crone
Legal Advisor
Michael Wong
Security Advisor
Chris Cheng
Product Advisor

SyncFab Laatste nieuws

$ 0.0202
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 5.332 M
Volume 24h:
$ 7.38 K
Circ. Supply:
264.49 M MFG
ICO profit
X 5.8029955877923E-6
ICO Price~$3,479.67

% name% Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

SYNCFAB is a platform which revolutionizes the manufacturing supply chain by connecting the buyers directly to the hardware manufactures through block chain.


  • Easy purchases: The platform connects the  purchasers to the manufactures  in the IIOT   through  its Business to Business(B2B) and Saas system hence creating a good peer to peer ecosystem
  • Lower operational costs: The use of the   platform ensures elimination of  contraction of the internal procurement managers and external agents which reduces the overall cost incurred by the manufacturers
  • Transparency: The data regarding the performance record ,quality  and the size of the contracts  made between the purchasers and the manufacturers  is  well kept within the system enabling easy reference and retrieval by the new users
  • Security : The smart  manufacturing block chain n used in the platform  ensures that  the integrity of the platform is upheld as it ensures adequate security to the users information  and preventing any losses associated with hacking or misplacements
  • The MFG token used in the platform promotes faster production  as it gives priority  to the fastest manufactures hence  promoting faster growth
  • The involved team has adequate skills in the management of different projects and  their automation


  • Restriction by the local or global laws and regulations
  • The value of the MFG token is easily affected by the non-related events in the digital currency
  • The scrutiny of the MFG token by  governmental institutions


  • Generate a platform version that  that is not bound to laws and regulations and can be easily used by any user across the world
  • Link up the MFG token with all the manufacturing related exchanges in the digital currency market
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Ian Balina
In my point of view, I am going to pass this ICO. I did not find much about their team.
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For users wanting a better way to obtain goods from manufacturers, SyncFab might be a great option. Not only does it’s network create faster orders, but also MFG tokens are used to reward both buyers and sellers. It’s an ICO that will take time, but it might show some promise once its products are fully released.

Dedicated Team: With over 10 members, SyncFab has a team filled with individuals who are passionate about the project’s future development.
Silicon Valley Project: Since its developed in one of the most prevalent tech locations in the world, SyncFab is a reliable ICO that’s backed by high-end technology.
IoT and Blockchain: SyncFab infuses both forms of technology to create a decentralized platform where both buyer and manufacturer can benefit from working with each other anonymously.

Worldwide Reception: While SyncFab was founded in the US, we wonder how it’s going to expand to countries within the European and Asian regions.
Lack of Milestones: SyncFab doesn’t display its milestones on its website, making it hard for new users to notice the long-term appeal of it.
Dispute Resolution: Even though it has smart contracts for payments, how does SyncFab assist in resolving conflicts between manufacturers and buyers?

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ICO review website

This is a project managed by a team who are demonstrating a first-rate ability to cover all of the angles. When we cover any ICO at ICOExaminer, in almost every case we find ourselves having to chase the project team to explain gaps in the information they either present on the website or the white-paper.

With this project, however, pretty much all of the information we went looking for was available to hand. There were none of the usual frustrations of having to track down simple contact details, getting our hands on something as basic as the project logo or finding out where the project is domiciled.

It was all presented upfront by a team with the foresight to see that these might be required for a token sale. Under general circumstances, that may not sound impressive – but when you have liaised with innumerable project teams like we have, it gives off the very strong impression that communication, due diligence and transparency are the key strengths of the team that will be driving this project.

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