

Created using Figma
Stegos-applicaties worden ontwikkeld om uw geheimen te beschermen tegen nieuwsgierige ogen
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Over Stegos

Bij Stegos weten we de frustratie en woede die u voelt wanneer uw privacy wordt geschonden

We hebben allemaal de schaamte meegemaakt dat onze geheimen worden onthuld. Wij zijn van mening dat privacy een fundamenteel mensenrecht is en dat we er gepassioneerd over zijn om het te verdedigen. Dat is waarom we onze reeks applicaties bouwen: om de wereld een betere plek te maken en de levens van iedereen erin te verbeteren

Riskeer je baan, vrijheid of leven niet door gedwongen te worden je geheimen prijs te geven.

Meer informatie over hoe privacystandaarden zijn veranderd en mogelijk van invloed zijn op uw dagelijks leven. Download onze handleiding & nbsp; Waarom blockchain de beste manier is om uw privacy te waarborgen


Why Stegos?

Stegos is a completely private, confidential, and scalable cryptocurrency that’s friendly to the environment.

Stegos builds and improves upon other privacy coins and can be used to send payments and data with complete confidentiality. Unlike other privacy coins, Stegos is as a platform for building privacy applications.

Stegos uses the UTXO (coin) model and PoS (Proof-of-Stake) consensus.

  • Leave no clue

Stegos is a platform for building privacy applications that uses the UTXO (Bitcoin) model and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. Privacy apps can be easily developed and downloaded from the Stegos App Store.

  • Big Brother is watching you

Transactions in Stegos are unlinkable, untraceable, and completely confidential. Stegos makes it impossible to identify recipients of a transaction because transactions are directed to new and unique addresses.

  • Untraceable

Stegos makes it impossible to trace history of transactions since many individual transactions are joined together to form a super-transaction. This is done in a secure and privacy-preserving way, before submitting the transaction to blockchain validators. Stegos coins are fully fungible!

  • Confidential

All amounts in Stegos are hidden using cryptographic commitments and zero-knowledge proofs. Validator stakes and transaction fees are the only exception since these must be visible for blockchain validation.

  • Small and Fast

Stegos is a fast and highly scalable blockchain and, unlike other blockchains, it’s kept small. Spent coins and consumed data are safely removed from the blockchain using secure cryptographic pruning. This breakthrough enables Stegos run on billions of mobile devices, for a truly decentralized blockchain. Stegos is the first and only blockchain that can run in your pocket!

  • Scalable

Stegos uses transactional sharding to scale. Separate groups of Stegos validators keep the whole blockchain state but verify only a subset of incoming transactions, using cross-shard atomic commits to eliminate double-spending. This scalability approach lets Stegos process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.

% naam% Roadmap

  • September 2019

  • Mainnet and native token
    Desktop wallet.
  • Q3 2019

  • Community building and listing on exchange.
  • Q4 2019

  • On-chain P2P trading and red packets.
    Light node and staking pools support, mobile wallet.
  • Q1 2020

  • Sharding and pruning with no bootstrap nodes.
  • Lees verder
  • Q2 2020

  • Added algorithmic stablecoin functionality.

Stegos Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Joel Reymont


$11 800 000

Vladimir Lebedev
VP of Engineering
David Mcclain
PhD Chief Rocket Scientist
Roman Tsisyk
Core Blockchain Team Lead
Eugene Chupriyanov
Senior Software Engineer
Volodymyr Motylenko
Software Engineer
Veronika Fedorinchyk
Marketing Assistant
Batyrkhan Zhaparov
English/Russian/Chinese Community Manager

Stegos Laatste nieuws

5.0 11
IEO Profiel Visie Activiteit potentieel Artikel Team

% name% Reviews

ICO Drops
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Crypto Briefing

A cursory look at the Emotiq ICO reveals one of the most head-turning teams in the space, and along with it, a project that’s both novel and ambitious. Yet the the gulf between the vision and reality quickly becomes apparent upon further examination, not simply from an abstracted, conceptual standpoint, but from a close-up look at the fundamentals.
We’re going to pass on the Emotiq ICO.

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Ian Balina

01-July: For now, Emotiq is not really something I'm gonna be looking into. Link
13-July: I looked into Emotiq that was a pass, that was a wait for the rebound. Link

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Shin Chan
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