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Squaddy is a Free-to-Play, Move-to-Earn NFT mobile platform that makes it fun and rewarding to live an active lifestyle and meet new people.
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Squaddy is a Free-to-Play, Move-to-Earn NFT mobile platform that makes it fun and rewarding to live an active lifestyle and meet new people. It's is an inclusive lifestyle Web3 app with built-in Game-Fi and Social-Fi elements. We are built around the most important aspects of life for most people - communication and movement. We will be the first project to implement the "meet and earn" concept. The uniqueness of Squaddy is the ability to get paid for what you do daily - meeting different people and moving around the city An interesting and useful way to earn cryptocurrency, the popularity of which is growing these days. An easy way to get started with cryptocurrencies without having to invest a lot of money at the start. A unique referral system that allows you to form squads, complete tasks and earn money with friends. A way to become popular by gathering the most active and largest squad

% naam% Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Creation $SQDY token and Heroes NFT-collection
    MVP iOS: registration, matching, tracking and meeting validation, referral system, wallet
    Listing (2 Exchanges in top 20) Creation promotional materials
    Creation/Maintenance social networks and communities
    Hosting airdrops and sweepstakes
    Creation of a unique referral system
    Conclusion of strategic partnership
  • Phase 2

  • Presale/Private Sale
    Core functionality iOS/Android: registration, matching, tracking and meeting validation, wallet
  • Phase 3

  • Feature: Meetings statistics/history
    Feature: Reporting and bans
    Feature: In-app marketplace
    Feature: Single mode
    Closed Beta iOS/Android launch
  • Phase 4

  • More Social-Fi features
    Achievements system Leaderboards
    Offline events
    Offline brands cooperation
  • Lees verder
  • Phase 5

  • Major cities launch
    Blogger collaborations
    Partnership with social funds
    More exchange listings Ambassador program


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Nikita Anikeev

SQUADDY Laatste nieuws

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