Solana Inu

Solana Inu

Created using Figma
Solana INU
The Fastest Dog In The Race
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Serum DEX
    $ 0.0018
    $ 18.31
  • Serum DEX
    INU/SO11111111111111111111111111111111111111112 % count% een jaar geleden
To be announced
Details token
aanvullende details

Over Solana Inu

Starting in late October 2021 at a price of $0.00001, a market cap of 0, no twitter, no discord, and no community.

Just a few weeks later we are now the largest and fastest growing meme-coin on the Solana blockchain.

How did we do it? Simple, a fair distribution through mass targeted airdrops and guerilla marketing to bring people in; and fostering a welcoming and fun community to keep us all together.

Our end goal? Join forces with all Solana communities far and wide for a glorious trip to the moon together!

Solana Inu Laatste nieuws

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