Use this website to join our internet sharing community and contribute to social inclusion by giving free or affordable internet access to those who need it. Receive priority access to a financial inclusion project that we support. Share Internet Data (SID) is a social inclusion project providing free or affordable internet access.
The crowd sourced internet in a peer-to-peer structure applies between nearby Android Smartphones and between iPhones/Androids nearby WIFIs of our eco-system and is based on our fully in-house developed proprietary platform and Apps. The Android Smartphones will automatically share internet with other nearby Android smartphones or tablets of our SID eco-System, based on a set of parameters set by users themselves. Our platform is based on sharing internet for free or getting paid for certain shared internet in INTERNET REWARDS points based on the Stellar Blockchain.
Those users who activate in their SID app the rewards mode will be able to earn INTERNET REWARDS in exchange for giving Internet access to other SID users. INTERNET REWARDS can then be used to consume internet megabytes from other nearby Android Users or from any home WIFI, in rewards mode in exchange for those INTERNET REWARDS. The control of sharing internet is fully decentralized, meaning solely under the end-user’s control through the SID in-App settings menu.
SID has no monthly fees for INTERNET REWARDS transfers for shared internet between SID eco-system users globally. Favorable fees are applied for users acquiring INTERNET REWARDS in-app. Let´s start your improved internet access journey the digital way, by downloading our App.
Every time you add a FREE WIFI to the SID eco-system you will earn 2 INTERNET REWARDS, good for 20 MB internet from other SID users who entered their home WIFI or their Android in REWARDS MODE.
Your SID account INTERNET REWARDS, are shown inside your SID Android App PROFILE as your “MB REWARDs credit”, and are protected by top-grade encryption and authentication inherent to the Stellar blockchain.
Our SID-SDK technology is available also through certain 3rd party Apps, such as Dunkin´ Donut´s franchise in Spain called Dunkin´ Coffee, with 91,000 active monthly users amongst others.
For those companies interested in licensing our SID SDK(s) or for SID to develop a dedicated UI/UX with your own company branded iOs and Android App using our existing backend, fill in the form requesting such info by providing a summary of your company, to include number of existing users, the use case of our technology in your firm amongst other info, or simply email us.
The less fortunate will be able to get free internet access by collecting INTERNET REWARDS when adding FREE WIFIs to the SID network or when sharing their own home WIFI or their Android smartphone internet connection in rewards mode. Such obtained INTERNET REWARDS, are then to be used to pay for consumed internet megabytes consumed from other SID users on the SID eco-system who are in rewards mode. FREE WIFIs added by SID users will always be accessible for FREE.
If you want to support a good cause to help others access free or affordable internet, you can do so by downloading our SID App and adding at least 1 FREE WIFI and activating your rewards mode in your Profile as your contribution to the SID social inclusion project. SID supports the No. 1 Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations, namely “to help lift people out of poverty by providing them a free or affordable way to access the internet”. The internet access will than in turn provide access to the biggest information in the world on the cloud and access to online education and access to financial inclusion through digital banking.
JULY 2017
MARCH 2018
APRIL 2018
geverifieerd 0%
Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team
geverifieerd 0%
Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team
Deze aanbieding is gebaseerd op informatie die uitsluitend wordt verstrekt door de aanbieder en andere openbaar beschikbare informatie. Het token-verkoop- of -uitwisselingsgebeurtenis staat geheel los van ICO-houder en ICO-houder is hier niet bij betrokken (inclusief technische ondersteuning of promotie). Token-verkopen van personen met wie ICOholder geen relatie heeft, worden alleen getoond om klanten te helpen bij het volgen van de activiteit die plaatsvindt binnen de totale token-sector. Deze informatie is niet bedoeld als advies waarop u moet vertrouwen. U moet professioneel of specialistisch advies inwinnen of uw eigen zorgvuldigheid betrachten voordat u actie onderneemt of afziet van enige actie op basis van de inhoud van onze site. Eventuele voorwaarden die door contribuanten zijn aangegaan met betrekking tot de verwerving van Tokens zijn tussen hen en de uitgever van het token en ICOholder is niet de verkoper van dergelijke tokens. ICOholder is niet wettelijk aansprakelijk voor eventuele opmerkingen van derden met betrekking tot een Token-verkoop en enige vordering wegens contractbreuk moet ook rechtstreeks worden gericht tegen de hier vermelde instantie die het betaalinstrument afgeeft. P>
Neem contact op met als u zich zorgen maakt over de aard, de correctheid of de wettigheid van deze token-uitverkoop of de betrokken personen. met gedetailleerde informatie over uw zorgen. P> Div>