Roxe Network

Roxe Network

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Roxe is a next-generation, open global payment network. Roxe blockchain and smart payment technology uses the payment route with the highest savings (the lowest fees). At Roxe, we aim to help hundreds of millions of people save hundreds of billions of dollars.
Roxe is designed to be the fundamental, core component of the global payments' industry, compatible with traditional and digital financial systems.
Roxe enbles consumers, banks, remittance and payments companies to make the fastest, least expensive, and most reliable payments anywhere in the world, by using blockchain technology to unify fragmented global payment systems.
To be announced
Geregistreerd land
United States
aanvullende details
MVP / Prototype

Over Roxe Network

Roxe is a next-generation, open global payment network. Roxe blockchain and smart payment technology uses the payment route with the highest savings (the lowest fees). At Roxe, we aim to help hundreds of millions of people save hundreds of billions of dollars.
Roxe is designed to be the fundamental, core component of the global payments' industry, compatible with traditional and digital financial systems.
Roxe enbles consumers, banks, remittance and payments companies to make the fastest, least expensive, and most reliable payments anywhere in the world, by using blockchain technology to unify fragmented global payment systems.

Roxe Network Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Haohan Xu
Founder, CEO
Bob Morris
Chief Compliance Officer
Thomas Trepanier
Head of Business Development
Simon Spektor
Senior Compliance Manager
Josh Li
Chief Business Officer
Pu Shi
VP of Technology
Faye Zheng
Chief of Staff
Jesse Lu
VP of Technology, Roxe Asia
Alison Qin
Head of Strategic Partnership, Roxe Aisa
Kevin Zheng
Head of Web Development, Roxe Asia
Yang Han
Product Manager, Roxe Asia
Justin Wu
Head of Growth & Product Marketing
Michael Huynh
Community Growth Manager

Roxe Network Laatste nieuws

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